But progress remains a struggle; Motorola is still an also-ran in global market share by units and by revenue. 但总体进展并不顺利;无论是以销量、还是销售额计,摩托罗拉的全球市场份额表现平平。
I asked them, "why did Nokia fall from industry leadership to also-ran status in the space of less than five years?" 我问他们:“为什么诺基亚在短短不到五年的时间里,从曾经的行业领袖堕入现在如此落魄的境地?”
Emboldened by the recall crisis, competitors spread word that Toyota, once considered the unstoppable force of the automotive world, had been reduced to the status of also-ran. 竞争者借由丰田召回事件这一机会大力唱衰,声称一度被汽车业界认为势不可挡的丰田而今已沦为平庸的配角。
Long regarded as an also-ran in America, it has undergone a remarkable turnaround and seen sales surge. 长期以来奥迪在美国一直销量平平,但最近它在美国打了一个漂亮的翻身仗,销量出现飙升。
They have persisted in chasing over-optimistic returns and paying sky-high salaries, arguing that to do otherwise would condemn their banks to also-ran status. 他们执意追逐高回报,抱着过分乐观的看法,并支付高额薪水,辩称如果不这样做就会落后。
The aim is to do a Vodafone by using an also-ran carrier as a vehicle to disrupt an entire sector. 其目标是打造一个沃达丰,即利用一家并非顶尖的运营商来搅动美国整个移动通信行业。
Surely it is better to be a local hero, feted in a modest way, rather than a disappointed also-ran who tried but failed to make it to the absolute top. 相比尝试做一个最顶尖的人,最终却只收获失望和失败,做一个本土英雄并享受适当的尊荣显然更好。
But what today looks like a masterstroke that has catapulted BarCap from being an also-ran on Wall Street into a credible competitor could easily have turned out disastrously. 但今天看来让巴克莱资本从华尔街平庸者一举成为可信竞争对手的神来之笔,本来也很可能演变为灾难。
He is an also-ran in every swimming contest. 他每次比赛都没获胜。
In the ebb and flow of political struggle, it was inevitable that one of them would go down. He never got anywhere in politics. He's just an also-ran. 在时起时伏的政治斗争中,必有一派要失败。他在政治上毫无进展,他只是一位失败者。
TD-SCDMA, by contrast, already risks being labelled as an also-ran. 相比之下,td-scdma已经有可能被贴上“落败者”的标签。
Spurs-They are caught in a weird place* their playoff run ( upset of2nd seed, but swept by3rd seed) leaves many questions about whether they're a contender or also-ran. 马刺-他们的季后赛表现(灭了2号种子,却被3号种子横扫)遗留下来的问题就是他们能否夺冠。