I had a slight altercation with some people who objected to our filming. 我和一些反对我们拍摄的人发生了小小的口角。
The two chambermaids being again left alone, began a second bout at altercation. 房里只剩下两个女仆,她们又开始了第二个回合的争吵。
This led to an altercation in which Ding was thrown against the corner of an outside wall, causing injuries to his face and wrist. 之后,对峙演变成肢体冲突,丁被摔到商店外墙的角落,导致面部和手腕受伤。
No physical altercation took place but Zhai reportedly said something along the lines of "at worst, I will risk anything on the line." The professor called the campus police. 尽管并未发生肢体冲突,但据报道,翟田田说了几句像大不了就拼了。这样的话,随即教授报告了校警。
A manager with a Chongqing-based financial company, said a memo was sent to all employees warning them that bringing beer to office, coming to work late without a valid reason, or getting involved in any altercation with colleagues regarding football will result in dismissal. 重庆某金融公司的一名经理说,公司已向所有员工下发了一份备忘录,其中警告说员工一旦被发现带啤酒来办公室、无缘无故迟到、或和同事争论足球,就会被开除。
In 2010, his first wife was arrested after an altercation with the woman who later became the second wife. 在2010年,第一任妻子还因为和一个女性发生口角而被捕,而这名女性就是之后的第二任妻子。
A defense official said Roberts got into a physical altercation with a woman with whom he was having an affair. 一名国防部官员称,罗伯茨和一名与其私通的女性发生肢体冲突。
Or use it as an excuse to don your new pair of aviators& you might just ground an altercation before it takes off. 你也可以趁着这个机会戴上你新买的飞行员墨镜&可别还没起飞就吵起来了。
You didn't actually see the altercation begin. 你并没有看到争吵的开始。
Does Alfred and the Joker get into an altercation? 阿尔弗雷德和小丑之间会有冲突吗?
You said Kandy got into an altercation with a customer last night. 你说昨晚凯迪和客人发生争执。
Josh Howard is suspended for the first two games because of his altercation with Brad Miller of Sacramento in a preseason game. 因为约什霍华德在一场季前赛中与萨克拉门托的布拉德米勒发生争吵而被禁赛2场。
According to witnesses, the altercation between the two Nen started inside the restaurant. 据目击者说,这两个男人之间的争吵在饭店里就开始了。
Besides, there had been no altercation; the assailant had come in so silently and suddenly, that she had been felled before she could look round. 此外,根本没有发生过争执,这个凶手是悄悄地进来的,而且是突然袭击,在我姐姐还没有来得及掉头望一下时,就把她击倒在地。
He gets into a public altercation with the guy, so, he gets fired. 他和此人发生过公开的争吵,因此他被解雇了;
Why hadn't she hauled off at him like this in the old days of allegation and altercation? 为什么她也不拽开他,就像在过去的日子里与他辩解和争吵时那样;
Have an altercation with somebody recently? 最近有没有和人起过纠纷?
He gets into a public altercation with the guy. 他当众和这家伙发生争执。
There was an altercation between the Judo man and Sensei ellis, I am not sure what happened out of site but the Judo man did not go on stage next as he should have. 有人殴斗男子柔道和埃利斯唤醒,我不知道发生了什麽出现场,但男子柔道不下去,到下一阶段,他应该做的事。
They feel things so intensely that it is difficult for them not to enter altercation. 他们认为事情如此激烈,这是他们难以不得进入争吵。
The two drivers had a long altercation in the middle of the road. 两个驾驶员在马路当中吵了很久。
One of the agents got into an "altercation" after a night on the town and was beaten, the television news organization said, citing police reports. ABC援引警方提供的消息说,他们抵达布宜诺斯艾利斯的第二天晚上,一位特工与别人发生了“口角”,而且还遭到了殴打。
The deed thoroughly answered: a source of domestic altercation was entirely done away, and it was the means of opening Susan's heart to her, and giving her something more to love and be interested in. 这件事完全收到了应有的效果。家庭纠纷的一个根源给彻底消除了,苏珊从此向她敞开了心扉,她也就多了一个可以喜爱、可以关心的人。
The teacher halted the altercation by separating the two opponents before they could come to blows. 老师在敌对的双方互殴之前拉开他们,阻止了争吵。
Who were you on the phone with just before your altercation? 打架之前你在和谁通话?
Since adopting the new standard, there is very great altercation on operating. 采用新标准以来,操作上有了很大的改变。
Did you have an altercation with her at the wedding? 你有没有跟她在婚礼上发生口角?
Think there was an altercation? 你认为发生过争吵?
The suspect, they said, also had blood on him, and fresh bruises, which indicated he had just been involved in an altercation. 犯罪嫌疑人,他们说,也有他的血,新伤,这表明他刚刚在口角参与。
I could no fill their papers with private altercation, in which they had no concern. 我不能在他们的报纸上连篇累牍地刊登与之无关的私人争吵。