He is a Principal Consultant at Quiotix, a software development and consulting firm located in Los Altos, CA. 他是位于加利福尼亚州洛斯阿尔托斯市Quiotix的首席顾问,该公司是一家软件开发和咨询公司。
Not all the cheapest cars in the world are Suzuki Altos, of course, but most of the world's cheapest rides are found in the developing or economically weaker countries in their respective regions. 当然了不是世界上所有的最便宜的汽车都是铃木奥拓,但是可以在发展中国家或者经济欠发达的各自的地区中找到世界上最便宜的车子。
Ask Los Altos hills residents Amy shantz, 10, and sister amanda, 8, about their ethnic identity and they will say they're Chinese american. 当问及洛斯阿尔托斯山的居民十岁的艾米山兹和八岁的妹妹阿曼达的种族身份时,她们会说自己是华裔。
Indeed, philanthropists such as Bill Gates have such high hopes for the new method that they have given money to KhanAcademy, a tiny non-profit organisation based in Mountain View, next to Los Altos. 事实上,像比尔·盖茨这样的慈善家对这种教学方法寄予了如此高的期望以至于他们已经向可汗学院这个位于毗邻洛斯拉图斯的山景城的非盈利组织捐赠了钱款。
A synonym for flip, of course, is revolution, and this experiment in Los Altos just might lead to one. 当然,颠覆的同义词就是变革,而这一在洛斯拉图斯的尝试仅仅可能会产生以上所说的一种结果。
So Mr Larivee can, for example, check online to see if his87-year-old grandmother who lives alone in Los Altos, California has opened the refrigerator yet today. 所以,以拉里夫先生为例,他可以上网查看他独自居住在加州洛斯阿尔托斯的87岁的祖母今天是否打开过冰箱。
Some programs on the setting the function keys for the Altos ⅱ terminal; AltosⅡ终端功能键设置程序;