We have to develop a less amateurish approach to our organisations 我们必须使我们对待自己组织的态度变得较为专业。
The paintings looked amateurish. 这些画作看起来只具备业余水准。
The release was obviously a hoax, full of unsubstantiated claims and amateurish grammar and punctuation errors. 这篇新闻稿显然是个恶作剧,通篇充斥着毫无事实根据的指控以及拙劣的语法和拼写错误。
Then later he began to appear in some films as an amateurish actor. 接着,他便开始在一些电影中进行业余表演。
There are some characteristics in the teaching of amateurish adult medical students. 医学成人业余班的教学具有自身特点。
I mean, they're amateurish. 我的意思是他们不专业。
But in the 1960s and 1970s, when Cambodia faced its greatest traumas, Sihanouk failed to develop a coherent strategic vision for the country and retreated into making amateurish romantic films as his nation was plunged into crisis by the Vietnam war. 但在上世纪六七十年代柬埔寨经历其最苦难的岁月时,西哈努克却未能为他的国家制定出一套条理清晰的战略愿景,而且还在越南战争把柬埔寨拖入泥潭之际躲起来去鼓捣业余爱情电影了。
But the tone is amateurish and counterproductive. 但是其言辞却显得业余而适得其反。
It makes me despair that we are led by such men, with researchers who are so amateurish. 这样的人在领导着我们,而且协助他的研究者如此业余,实在让我绝望。
A very amateurish job; inexpert but conscientious efforts; an unskilled painting. 很不专业的工作;虽不熟练但很尽责的工作;业余水平的画儿。
Conservative Jim Garner presents us with an amateurish politician unqualified for the vice presidency, yet also a shrewd legal opportunist swimming in cash. 属于保守派的吉姆·加纳让我们看到的爱德华兹是一个当副总统还不够格的外行政客,一个在钱海中游泳的精明的机会主义律师。
Besides my amateurish skill, the mental conditions vary too. 除了技术不成熟之外,心理上也不同。
Could someone in the 21st century shift professions so seamlessly? I fear they would be dismissed as amateurish or lightweight. 在21世纪,有谁能像他这样如此完美地实现职业转换?恐怕这类人会被视为半瓶子醋或是没什么真本事的人。
He was laughed for his amateurish performance. 他那笨拙的表演遭到了嘲笑。
They typically& they like to talk about the politics of it and this thing, that it's dead on arrival or it'ssomeone said it's an amateurish proposal. 他们不约而同地大书特书这个改革的政治色彩,或者说些这个计划死定了之类的话,有的人还说这是个欠考虑的改革计划。
He said it was amateurish. 他说这是业余水平。
Their publications were vapid and amateurish. 他们的出版物枯燥乏味,且外行浅薄。
Wings are absolutely unforgiving: used in an amateurish manner, they will exaggerate postural ineptness and inadequate muscular control. 翼是绝对无情的:在一个业余的方式使用,他们会夸大姿势无能和肌肉的控制不足。
His portrait of Debbie was a rather amateurish effort. 他为黛比所画的肖像是一幅相当不成熟的作品。
It was an amateurish affair, in which she appeared to stare throughout at the wrong camera. 在辩论过程中,她一直盯着错误的摄像机镜头,显得十分外行。
Graded the Theoretical Research in Personal Complete Sets of Movement in the Latin Dance Amateurish Match 拉丁舞业余比赛中成套动作编排的理论研究
Does this mean that the web design can look sloppy or amateurish? 这是否意味着网页设计草率或业余的可看?
That was her final judgment on the story as a whole& amateurish, though she did not tell him so. 整个说来,这就是她对这篇小说的结论&功力不够,然而她没有这样对他说。
With the rapid development of amateurish tour guides, there is a vigorous development in tourism, but it also brings challenges of management and service. 兼职导游的激增为我国旅游业的发展注入了新的活力,但是也带来了管理、服务等多方面的挑战。
Yet fortunately, the newspaper undertakes much of this on my behalf, leaving my own brand-building efforts amateurish and patchy. 但不幸的是,这份报纸替我代劳了大部分这方面的工作,使我打造个人品牌的手段既业余,又不完整。
Amateurish ways, including creating suitable environment, among teaching of different subjects and class activities. 非专门途径,包括在学科教学中渗透人格教育、在班级团队活动中渗透人格教育和环境熏陶。
Modern intellectual has to be a professionals but he/ she must try to keep a amateurish attitude; 知识分子在现代虽然不得不是一个专业者但他必须同时努力保持一种业余的态度;
Most of the subtitle translation has been done just by amateurish English lovers, which leads to diverse formation of the staff and uneven quality of subtitle translation. 而真正从事字幕翻译的人员,大多数是业余的英语爱好者,这也就导致了字幕翻译人员组成多样,翻译质量参差不齐。
According to our research, these clubs are different from the general amateurish club. 据调查显示,这些俱乐部与国际一般的业余俱乐部和职业俱乐部是不同的。
Some professional competition and performance come out in succession besides some amateurish ones on ACG exhibitions here and there. 除了各地的大小漫展上的比赛和表演,一些专门的赛事和演出也陆续出现。