In China Grace Thompson observed the great variety of loads that were carried by 'slim, erect but muscular Amazons'. 在中国,格雷丝·汤普森看见“苗条、挺直而强健的女人们”携带着各种物品。
The Amazons were believed to have been the first to tame horses. 据说亚马孙人最先驯化了马。
I've heard that you Amazons excel at killing from a distance. 我听说你们亚马逊人擅长在一段距离之外打倒敌人。
( Greek mythology) a hero noted for his many great deeds: killed Procrustes and the Minotaur and defeated the Amazons. (希腊神话)一位建立了许多伟业的英雄;杀死普罗克汝斯忒斯和人身牛头怪并击败亚马孙人。
To rid his kingdom of the threat by the Amazons, he led an expedition into the woman country and took its queen prisoner. 为了使国家不再受亚马孙族女战士的威胁,他带队远征这个女人国,并俘虏了它的王后。
Whether someone will dare to get into the depth of the constellation of Amazons that attracts so much? 有哪一位勇士敢于深入到如此吸引人的亚马逊星群当中呢?
Rumours of the Amazons begin to surface in the Old World. 关于亚马孙的谣传开始在旧世界流行。
Amazons in particular, often become junk-food junkies, almost instinctively recognizing potato chip bags and pizza boxes. 特别是,亚马逊经常成为垃圾食品的爱好者,几乎本能地认识到薯片袋和比萨饼盒。
White cockatoo with a yellow erectile crest. an order of birds including parrots and amazons and cockatoos and lorikeets and lories and macaws and parakeets. 生有黄色直立羽冠的白色凤头鹦鹉。鸟目,由鹦鹉、巴西鹦鹉、葵花鹦鹉、小五彩鹦鹉、五彩鹦鹉、金刚鹦鹉、长尾鹦鹉等组成。
But hold on: do women really want to turn Dad's Army into Mum's Army, a posse of latter-day Amazons braving the front line, cheek by jowl with their male counterparts? 但且慢:女性真的想把爹爹军变为娘子军吗?一支强悍刚勇的现代娘子军要在前线与她们的男同胞们并肩冲锋陷阵?