She was silent, and the horse ambled along for a considerable distance. 她没言语,马款款前进,走了老远。
The cognitive challenges of walking while texting are well known, both to scientists and to those of us who have ambled into a light pole or a fellow pedestrian or have been on the receiving end of someone else's distracted movements. 边走边发短信会带来认知挑战,这一点不仅仅为科学家,也为那些曾经一头撞上电线杆或者别的路人,或者曾被走神的人撞上的人来说所熟知。
I just ambled home through the village. 我经过那村庄漫步回家。
A technician ambled out to fiddle with a microphone; he was followed by an elderly gentleman who spoke in a very flat voice for a very long time. 一位技工缓步走出台来,胡乱摆弄着一个麦克风。然后是一位上了年纪的老人,用一种极其平板的声调,讲了很长时间。
Pedestrians ambled along the roads. 行人在公路上从容不迫地行走。
She ambled down the street, stopping occasionally to look in the shop windows. 她沿着街道缓步走着,偶尔停下来看一看商店橱窗。
Since she was not in a rush, she ambled home. 既然不著急,她就慢慢地走回家。
With that he ambled away to look after his beasts. 说完他就慢慢儿的离开,照顾他的牲口去了。
He ambled nonchalantly over to the phone. 他冷漠地缓步走向电话。
His speckled body ambled ahead of them and then loped off at a calf's gallop. 它那斑驳的身躯在他们前头款款而行,随后又像头小牛犊那样一溜烟儿跑开了。
He blinked in the sunlight and ambled off towards the post office. 他在阳光下眨着眼睛,缓步走向邮局。
Just behind him, French tourists ambled around in bathing suits. 在他身后,身穿泳衣的法国旅游者悠闲地踱步。
Their dog ambled about a bank of dwindling sand, trotting, sniffing on all sides. 他们的狗在被潮水漫得越来越窄的沙洲上到处游荡,小跑着,一路嗅着。
To my astonishment, my father ambled in alone never before having visited me without my mother. 令我大为吃惊的是,父亲一个人慢慢地走了进来以前没有妈妈陪同他从没登门拜访过。
The elephant then stomped on the lion until it looked like a corn tortilla and then ambled away. 接着,大象把狮子踩在脚下,直到狮子看上去像块玉米饼,才从从容容地离去。