Be ready to chat, discuss, and trash out ideas, but do so amiably. 准备交谈、谈论和清理想法,态度要和蔼。
He shrugs amiably, couldn't be less concerned. Don't remember, he says. 他和蔼地耸耸肩,漫不经心地说:不记得了。
Well, I know, Ellis said amiably. 啊,我知道,埃里斯开心地说。
The original Michelin Man, who has been chatting to rose off and on throughout the meal, amiably repeats his plate-carrying role. 原来那个米其林公司的人会时不时地和罗斯聊各种有关饮食的事,还和蔼可亲地重复着自己端盘子的经历。
We will need to formulate demands and they will need to be met, said Jesse Levy, a 24-year-old who amiably showed my group of visitors around the camp. 我们需要明确提出要求,并且要得到满足,24岁的杰西利维(JesseLevy)说,他十分友好,带着我们这群来访者四处参观营地。
He kissed her amiably. 他很亲热地吻吻她。
No matter where, suffered defeat, has had an opportunity to gracefully packing, and then set off, this amiably is happy roots, could the eternal wealth. 不论在哪里,蒙受失败,都有机会从容整理行装,然后再欣然启程,这就是幸福的根蒂,也是你我永生的财富。
He stood most amiably beaming at the Ten Commandments. 他站在那只顾对着十诫笑眯眯的。
He chatted amiably with dorothy. 他亲切地跟多萝西聊天。
Vorontsov listened to the general and smiled amiably, evidently pleased that the latter had joined in the conversation. 沃龙佐夫听取一般欣然而笑,高兴的是,后者显然已加入了交谈。
After his other visitor leaves, Pachauri greets me amiably. 他的访客离开后,帕乔里友善地跟我打招呼。
The old Ford lubricated itself by what was amiably described as the "splash system" “老福特车靠听着悦耳的‘喷溅系统’自行润滑”,原文为
Tink, said Peter amiably," this lady says she wishes you were her fairy. " “叮叮铃,”彼得和蔼地说,“这位姑娘说,她希望你做她的仙子。”
The two leaders chatted amiably out of sight of the cameras. 两位领导人在摄像机拍不到的地方亲切交谈。