Amidst the current bunch of nonentities, he is a towering figure 在当前这帮无足轻重的人里面,他算是鹤立鸡群。
Whatever troubles arise, we'll have peace of mind amidst seeming chaos. 无论出现什么样的麻烦,我们都会在貌似混乱的情形中保持平和的心态。
I tackled him about how anyone could live amidst so much poverty. 我坦率地问他,人在如此贫穷的环境中如何还能生存。
The world advances amidst turbulence. 世界在动荡中前进。
The hooligans broke up amidst loud shouts and screams. 歹徒呼啸而遁。
My father has lived amidst human sin and misery without believing in them. 我父亲生活在人类的罪恶和痛苦之中,而他自己还不相信。
Where the hills and streams end and there seems no road beyond,| amidst shading willows and blooming flowers another village appears. 山穷水尽疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。
The church was a quiet haven amidst the noise and bustle of the streets outside. 在周围街道的熙攘喧嚣中,那座教堂却是一座宁静的安息所。
She grew up amidst suffering. 她是在苦水里泡大的。
In an age of potential nuclear cataclysm, in an age of instant communication amidst ideological conflict, our most urgent task is to overcome these apparently iron law of history. 在一个潜伏着灾难的时代,在一个存在着意识形态冲突但能迅速进行交流的时代,我们最迫切的任务是去打破表面上看来不可抗拒的历史规律。
The square, amidst the deafening sound of drums and gongs, presented a scene of noisy hilarity. 广场上锣鼓喧天,场面可热火啦!
My longstanding problem with Swing is that a natural hierarchy seems to get lost amidst the implementation details. 对于Swing,我长期关注的问题是自然的层次结构似乎在实现细节中消失了。
The ability to keep calm and focused amidst chaos and changes is a true sign of inner peace. 在混乱无常的环境中保持平静专注的能力是内心平和真正的标志。
I think of you amidst a crowd And the chorus of city sounds* for that is my song, and you are the music. 我在人群和城市的合唱中思念你因为这是我的歌,而音乐是你。
But I know I am not, I only seek joy amidst sorrow. 但是我知道我不是,我只是苦中作乐而已。
Amidst the foam and turmoil I saw the black thing on the wave hurrying right at me. 在滔滔的白浪和震耳的喧嚣声中,我看见波浪中那个黑色的东西正径直朝我飘来。
Relax amidst original frescoes and sculptured reliefs, graced by sunlight and airy garden vistas. 放宽原来的壁画和雕塑中浮雕,阳光和通风的园林景观增光。
And amidst all the cheers, flag waving, and tears. 在那所有的欢呼、飘扬的旗帜和泪水中。
Amidst this year's flood prevention, this project has shown significant effectiveness. 在今年的防汛中这项工程显示出了巨大的威力。
Amidst the Great Depression, the stock market and the national economy were exceedingly risky. 在大萧条之中,股票市场和国民经济岌岌可危。
Amidst the landscape of Jolly, we desire the recognition, satisfaction and smile. 在君逸山水,我们渴望的是认可、满意和微笑。
It also provides for an abundance of natural light, shade and ventilation amidst the tropical weather of Malaysia. 在马来西亚的热带气候中,它也为建筑提供了充足的自然采光、阴影遮蔽和通风条件。
With this project we wanted to see what we could do amidst the functional constraints of a clinic. 有了这个项目,我们想看看有什么可以做之中的一个诊所的功能限制。
Amidst the crowds there is the true loneliness of being an individual that is common to us all. 在人群中,我们都常常感受到身为一个个体真实的孤独。
With tears in our eyes, we saw her disappear amidst the throng of people. 含着泪水的眼睛,我们看到她消失在人群之中的人。
Amidst the confusion the two men slipped away quietly without being noticed. 在混乱中,这两个人悄悄溜走了未被人察觉。
But amidst the endless screams and inane babble, they discerned two words. 但是在它的痛苦的哀嚎声中,他们听出了两个字。
I took several photos of the Chinese crested tern amidst the Greater crested terns. 我拍了许多黑嘴端凤头燕鸥在一群凤头燕鸥中的照片。
We had a circus and an Herm s fashion show amidst gardens, fountains and elaborately decorated stages. 我们请了一个马戏团,还在花园、喷泉和精心装饰的舞台间举行了一场爱马仕时装秀。
These seeds of change were planted by forward-looking leaders who saw the opportunities amidst seismic shifts and shifting trends. 那些具有前瞻眼光的领导人,在社会剧烈的变化和发展的趋势中看到了机遇,播撒了这些改革的种子。