阿曼门诺派(北美洲戒律严谨的宗教团体,过简朴的农耕生活,拒绝使用某些现代技术) the members of a strict religious group in N America. The Amish live a simple farming life and reject some forms of modern technology.
Six months after a horrific shooting, Amish children entered the brand-new one-room schoolhouse. 在可怕的枪击事件发生半年后,阿们教的孩子们来到了崭新的一房式的校舍。
Perhaps the nearest modern equivalent in Anglo America is the Amish, a German American farming sect that largely renounces the products and labor saving devices of the industrial age. 在当代美洲的英语区,与民间文化最相似的群体也许算是Amish。Amish是美国的德裔农耕部落,他们基本上拒绝接受工业时代的大多数产品和节省劳力的设施。
Rarely do the Amish marry outside their sect. Amish人很少和他们宗派以外的人通婚。
University of Chicago biologists Amish Dave and Daniel Margoliash looked into the brains of zebra finches and discovered something similar. 芝加哥大学的生物学家阿米什·戴夫(AmishDave)和丹尼尔·马格赖许(DanielMargoliash)观察了斑胸草雀的大脑,并有了类似的发现。
Amish do so contrary to the U.S.Education Act, for which the Amish and the Government conducted a protracted battle, and ultimately the government made a concession. 阿米什人这样做有悖于美国教育法,为此,阿米什人与政府进行了旷日持久的较量,最终政府作出了让步。
I want to see how the Amish people live. 我想要看看亚米希人是怎么过日子的。
To make a long story short, the Mennonite Amish were so conservative that they made more enemies than friends. 长话短说,亚米希?门诺那特人由于太过保守以致树立的敌人比交到的朋友还多。
I do not know if there is any Charismatic Lutheran Amish Church, but you get the idea. 我不知道是否有任何魅力信义阿米甚教会,但你的想法。
Amish have taught us: the wisdom of life is not just a few of the gift, it can be a tough cultural heritage. 阿米什人让我们明白:生活的智慧不只是少数人的天赋,它也可以是一种坚韧的文化传承。
Thanks for your article and its very tru we should learn alot from these AMISH in Nickel Mines brothers and sisters. 非常感谢您的文章和铀要学习从这些教派多生镍矿的兄弟姐妹。
Amish not only lag behind the idea, and even quite advanced. 阿米什人的观念不仅不落后,甚至相当超前。
Despite appearances, the Amish are not against technology and progress. 虽然外表如此,艾米许人并不排斥科技与进步。
Just how conservative are the amish? 亚米希人到底有多么保守?
The Amish way of life seems to make more and more sense. 亚米希人的生活方式似乎越来越有道理了。
Their lives are uncomplicated and few Amish leave their homes to enter the mainstream American society. 他们的生活不复杂,而且绝少有亚米希人离家进入美国主流社会。
Amish families gather to bury four of the five young girls gunned down inside their rural Pennsylvania schoolhouse. 安曼派家庭一起埋葬了四个在宾西法尼亚乡村校舍被枪杀的女孩子的尸体。
Some Amish people have commercialized their way of life. 一些阿门宗派的人把他们的生活方式商业化了。
Harmony Upon Differences: Ultimate Principle for Multicultural Co-existence; Cultural Survival of the Amish in the Multicultural America 和而不同:多元文化共处的终极原则美国多元文化背景下的阿米什文化生存
The laws of the United States there are some conflicts with the Amish belief that they can not compromise provisions, such as the conscription law. 在美国的法律中还有一些与阿米什人信仰相冲突、他们不能妥协的条文,如征兵法。
A group of Amish looks like a cast from a biblical movie set. 一群亚米希人看起来就像圣经电影中的一个场景。
What makes them so baffling is that the attacks have been carried out by fellow Amish, apparently members of a particular clan from the town of Bergholz in rural eastern Ohio. 令人困惑的是,这类袭击是一些门诺教成员发起的,他们显然是东部俄亥州农村俄伯格霍尔兹一个特定家族的人。
The Amish people are living peacefully in our midst, slow development. 而阿米什人则在我们身边平静地生活、缓慢地发展。
So we've all heard about the Amish giving up cars. 我们都听过阿米希人放弃车子。
Certain Christian denominations such as the Amish and the Mennonites still retain a head covering for women. 例如基督教门诺派和阿们派仍保留着女性遮盖头发的传统。
Amish family life, the most important principle is this: everyone including children, must bear a family responsibility. 阿米什家庭最重要的生活原则之一是:包括孩子在内的每一个人都要承担一份家庭责任。
At such times, I become downright Amish, religiously committed to avoiding all modern communication technology. 这时候,我干脆变成一名门诺派教徒,虔诚地回避一切现代通讯技术。
Amish Let us see: different levels, moderate affluent societies, not only after human potential through the concept of reflection is also likely to practice life. 阿米什人让我们看到:不同程度的、有节制的富足社会,不仅是人类通过反思后可能产生的观念,也是可能实践的生活。
For centuries, the Amish people's lives have changed. 几百年来,阿米什人的生活也发生了变化。
These people are the amish. 这些人是亚米希人。
Amish youth leave their parents at the university studies by working for tuition. 离开父母的阿米什青年通过打工获取在大学深造的学费。