A soldier was arrested after running amok with a vehicle through Berlin. 一名士兵在疯狂飙车穿越柏林后被逮捕。
Trash talking and egos run amok, "said one auto executive who declined to be identified." 一位拒绝透露身份的汽车行业高管称:“口水战和自我中心主义四处横行。”
I want to be helpful, especially to people who have been job hunting for a long time, but this is networking run amok. 我也希望能帮上忙,尤其是为那些花了很长时间找工作的人,但现在情况已经失去了控制。
This isn't the first time Greenpeace has warned that illegal GMO grains may be running amok in China. 这并非绿色和平第一次就转基因谷物或在中国泛滥的问题做出警告。
The big male elephant is running amok in the village, tearing up the trees by their roots. 那头大公象在村里发狂,将树全部连根拔起。
Fortunately, certified seeing-eye dogs are invari-ably conscientious in their duties, but in today's cartoon American Pat Oliphant plays darkly with the image of a hound running amok. 所幸的是,合格的导盲犬总是尽职尽责,但在今天刊登的这幅漫画中,美国漫画家帕特-奥列芬特以一只狂奔的狗玩了一次黑色幽默。
Mr Cheney's new memoir, despite its breezy self-justification, does little to dispel that notion, showing exactly how a vice-president can run amok. 这本回忆录确切的显示了身为副总统,切尼如何能够胆大包天、胡作非为。
To me, this seems like wealth shame run amok. 我觉得,这似乎是财富羞愧感过了头。
The humour of the gods had run amok. 神的玩笑开得太过火了。
Private risk-taking run amok has plunged the country into its worst recession in decades. 私营企业不顾危险,最终失去控制,导致美国陷入了几十年不遇的经济萧条。
A masked man ran amok in the town square. 一个戴面具的人杀气腾腾地闯进了市政广场。
Mm. But I myself enjoy sleeping on the ground under the stars. The field mice, lacking natural predators, have flourished in numbers and are running amok destroying nature. 呣.我自己还是喜欢躺在满天繁星下的地上。缺少天敌的田鼠们,繁殖、破坏起来自然随心所欲。
If there are tigers running amok, I'll take precautions, but that's no reason why I should give in to Wu sun-fu completely. 老虎发疯,我要严防,但是决不能因为有老虎在那里,我就退让到不成话!
In the film a man clutching a chain saw runs spectacularly amok. 在这部电影里,一个攥着一把链锯的男人杀气腾腾、凶狂之极。
They're incorrigiblebecause you let them run amok. 他们无可救药,都是因为你让他们放肆。
The tiger escapes from the zoo and runs amok for hours 老虎逃出了动物园,张牙舞爪乱窜了几小时
Ireland and Spain had strong fiscal positions throughout: it was private borrowing that ran amok. 从始至终,爱尔兰和西班牙的财政状况都很强劲:陷入疯狂的是私人借贷。
A man ran amok in the train yesterday? He struck two railway staff and smashed several carriage windows. 昨天一位男子在火车上胡作非为?他打伤了两名铁路员工,砸碎了几扇车厢窗户。
Like agile software development, agile operations emphatically does not equate to cowboy administrators running amok on the systems, without plan or documentation. 和敏捷软件开发一样,敏捷运维显然与那些“牛仔”管理员的方式不同,他们只会狂乱地管理系统而没有任何计划和文档。
He's running amok through the American car market. 他在美国汽车市场上横冲直撞。
In cancer cells, NRF2 activity runs amok, sweeping away all cellular toxins, including chemotherapy agents. 在癌细胞上,NRF2活性疯狂增强,细胞内的毒素包括化疗药物被彻底清除。
When turned loose with no competition, invasive species can run amok in an ecosystem and send a park's native residents toward extinction. 当缺乏竞争之时,这些入侵的物种将会狂暴地进入生态系统,并将使公园的本地物种们陷入灭绝的境地。
The two dogs ran amok in a school playground. 那两条狗在学校的操场上狂咬乱窜。
The elephants had a tendency to panic and run amok. 那些大象容易惊慌和发狂。
The gunman ran amok, firing indiscriminately at passers-by. 持枪歹徒大开杀戒,不分青红皂白向行人开枪。
When all the fangs are gone, it will still have claws. The tiger escape from the zoo and run amok for hours. 牙齿敲完了,它还有爪子。老虎逃出了动物园,张牙舞爪乱窜了几小时。
The program goes amok, and generally everything in read/ write memory is subject to change without notice. 程序的进展乱了套,读写存储器中的任何内容都有可能发生无法预料的改变。
There were widespread reports of looting and escaped convicts running amok. 很多报道提到抢劫和逃犯肆虐。
I cut out the page and stuck it above my desk: a warning of what could happen if innovation were allowed to run amok. 我把广告那页剪下来,贴在我的桌子上方,提醒自己:如果允许创新疯狂驰骋,会发生什么。