Business expenses had to be amortized over a 60 month period. 营业费用必须在60个月的时间内分期偿还。
Article 32 Deferred assets refer to all the expenses that cannot be accounted into current profit or loss totally but should be periodically amortized in future years, including starting expenses, expenditures incurred in major repair and improvement of the rented fixed assets, etc. 第三十二条递延资产是指不能全部计入当年损益,应当在以后年度内分期摊销的各项费用,包括开办费、租入固定资产的改良支出等。
Prepaid expenses shall be amortized according to period benefiting, and the balance shall be itemized and shown separately in financial statement. 待摊费用应当按受益期分摊,未摊销余额在会计报表中应当单独列示。
Where bonds are acquired at a premium or discount, the difference between the cost and the face value of the bonds shall be amortized over the periods prior to maturity of the bonds. 溢价或者折价购入的债券,其实际支付的价款与债券面值的差额,应当在债券到期前分期摊销。
For the following intangible assets, no amortized expense may be calculated 下列无形资产不得计算摊销费用扣除
And, in most data-processing routines, sequential access to a rope's characters is what's required, in which case a rope iterator can provide amortized O ( 1) access speed. 而且,在多数数据处理例程中,都需要对rope字符进行顺序访问,在这种情况下,rope的迭代器能够提供分摊的O(1)访问速度。
The initial investment in a new service can be more easily amortized when it is created under the strict guidance of governance and additional services can more effectively be added to the SOA system. 在严格的治理指导下,可以更容易地分期获得对新的服务的投资回报,并且更有效地将其他服务添加到SOA系统中。
Other intangible assets for which no amortized expense may be calculated for deduction. 其他不得计算摊销费用扣除的无形资产。
Many insurers own long-term bonds that, at amortized cost, amount to two to three times net worth. 很多保险公司拥有的长期债券按已摊销成本计算是其净资产的两到三倍。
Intangible assets transferred or assigned or used as investments, where the useful life is stipulated in the agreement or contract, may be amortized over the period of that useful life; 作为投资或者受让的无形资产,在协议、合同中规定使用年限的,可以按照该使用年限分期摊销;
Other leased assets should be amortized by using a systematic and reasonable method. 对于其他经营租赁资产,应当采用系统合理的方法进行摊销。
All intangible assets shall be averagely amortized periodically over the period benefited from such expenditures and be shown with unamortized balance in accounting statement. 各种无形资产应当在受益期内分期平均摊销,未摊销余额在会计报表中列示。
All deferred assets shall be shown separately in accounting statements by its balance not yet amortized. 各种递延资产的未摊销余额应当在会计报表中列示。
This problem arises from the decline in bond prices and the insurance accounting convention that allows companies to carry bonds at amortized cost, regardless of market value. 这个问题出在下跌的债券价格和保险会计惯例允许公司不论债券的市场价值而用已摊销成本持有债券。
This high initial capitalization is rapidly amortized in the well managed high-density orchard. 矮化密植果园回收资金较快。在管理好的高密植果园里,这个最初的高额成本可以很快收回。
The principal amount of loans is amortized by the periodic, usually monthly, payment of a fraction of the principal calculated to repay the entire amount of principal due. 贷款的本金被周期性的(通常以月为单位)付款所分期摊销。这种还款是按照应付全部本金计算出的。
In track laying quota per kilometer, 1% of steel rails are amortized; 在每公里铺轨定额中,摊销数量为钢轨根数的1%;
The cost of the patent is amortized over the useful life of the patent, which may or may not coincide with the patent's legal life. 专利权的成本在其使用期限内摊销,但使用期限未必与法定有效期相吻合。
The equity investment difference should be amortized over the investment period, if any, as stipulated in the investment contract. 股权投资差额的摊销期限,合同规定了投资期限的,按投资期限摊销。
A scapegoat tree is a self-balancing binary search tree, that provides worst-case O ( log n) lookup time, and O ( log n) amortized insertion and deletion time. 替罪羊树是一种自平衡的二分查找树,它提供了最坏情况下的O(logn)查找时间,以及O(logn)的分期插入和删除时间。
Amount of deferred research and development costs amortized and charged to expense for the current period 在本期摊销并记为支出的递延研究和发展费用
Over the life of the bond issue, this carrying value will be reduced toward the maturity value of$ 10, as the premium is amortized. 在债券的发行期内,随着溢价的摊销,这个账面价值将减少到其到期值,即10美元。
The value of the machinery is amortized over its estimated useful life. 机器的价值在其预计使用寿命期内摊提。
The revenue from copyrights is usually limited to only a few years, and the purchase cost should, of course, be amortized over the years in which the revenue is expected. 版权带来的收益通常只限于几年,购买成本理所当然应被摊销到预计有收益的这几年中。
Amortized Mortgage Loan The mortgage payment on his house is due. 分期偿还的抵押贷款房子的抵押贷款到期了。
The starting expenses shall be averagely amortized in a certain period of years after the operation starts. 开办费应当在企业开始生产经营以后的一定年限内分期平均摊销。
Premium is amortized over the 40-year life of the bonds in a manner similar to the amortization of discount. 在40年的债券发行期内,溢价的摊销形式与折价摊销相似。
When bonds are purchased with the expectation of holding them indefinitely, the discount or premium should be amortized over the remaining life of the bonds. 当购入的债券准备无限期持有,折价和溢价应在债券的持有期内摊销。