All this really does is express a syntax preference for slashes over ampersands, equals signs, and question marks. 这实际上表现为一种语法偏好,使斜杠优先于与符号、等号和问号。
The substitute() call then replaces all such "raw" ampersands with the xml entity&. substitute()调用随后使用XML实体替换所有此类“原始”符号。
XML puts a bunch of constraints on certain characters; quotes, ampersands, less than, greater than, and other characters. XML对一些字符有特定的限制;引号、与号、小于号、大于号等。
Even though it's not too hard to figure out how to break up these response strings, a client will have to parse and split the string up based on the semicolons, equal signs, pipes, and ampersands. 尽管不难找到拆分这些响应字符串的方法,但客户机将不得不根据分号、等号、竖线和与符号解析并拆分这些字符串。
Because you're already using the querystring to pass a product code to the Product Details page, simply append your ThickBox values to the existing URL using ampersands (&). 由于您已经使用querystring将产品代码传递到ProductDetails页面,所以只需使用ampersands(&)将您的ThickBox值附加到现有URL上。
Consequent values are separated using ampersands. 因此价值观是分开使用的符号。