Measurements in the laboratory have amply confirmed the general predictions and form of the Volmer theory. 在实验室里的测量充分证实了沃尔默理论的形式和这些一般的判断。
The abbey was amply provisioned. 寺院中食物应有尽有。
Sire, your majesty will, I trust, be amply sATisfied on this point AT least. 陛下,我相信陛下对此已经满意了。
I would feel amply rewarded if my book-A Study of English Twins-could be of some help to the readers. 如果我的书《英语学生词语之研究》对读者有所帮助的话,我就感到心满意足了。
Reams of academic studies over the decades have amply confirmed television's pernicious mental and moral influences. 过去十年中,大量的理论研究表明,电视对人的精神和心智是有害的。
But as world history amply demonstrates, crisis can breed opportunity. 但正如世界历史充分证明的那样,危机可能孕育着机遇。
That has been amply rewarded, despite a recent retrenchment. 尽管这些银行的股价最近有所下滑,但这些投资得到了丰厚的回报。
The size and scope of this session amply indicate that the people's Republic of China has registered tremendous achievements and progress on every front. 我们这次会议的这个规模,充分地表现了中华人民共和国在各个战线上都有了巨大的成就和进步。
The abbey was amply provisioned. Some nations have no middle class; 寺院中食物应有尽有。有些国家没有中产阶级;
This prophecy has now been amply fulfilled. 这个预言今天已完全成为现实了。
In my opinion, this movie had amply represented the effect of motherly and fatherly love on human, and it informed the world that there are still pure hearts and souls around! 我认为这部电影充分展现了母爱与父爱对人的影响,以及告诉我们世界上仍然有纯洁的心灵。
This promise was amply redeemed. 此项诺言得到了充分实现。
It has been amply demonstrated that the initiating radicals generated from CCl 4 are indeed CCl 3. 它有充分的证实表明,由CCl4产生的引发自由基实际上是CCl3。
Be amply trusted and highly praised By customers at home and aBroad 深受国内外客户的信赖和称誉
He has been amply paid for his trouble. Those who work and save should have their just reward. 他的辛劳已经获得很丰富的报酬。勤劳节俭的人则应获得应有的报酬。
He was amply rewarded for his sacrifice. 他由于自己的牺牲得到了充分的奖赏。
These voices were amply represented; we benefited richly. 他们的意见得到了充分的表达;我们受益很大。
The mass-energy equivalence has been amply confirmed. 质与能的相当性已被充分地证实。
In earlier years, they were amply rewarded. 早些年,他们已获得了丰厚的回报。
During the frontier days it amply demonstrated its ability to monitor itself and ensure its survival. 在开拓边疆的日子里,它充分表现出自己有能力监护自己,并确保了自己的生活。
His own work amply fulfills this robust claim. 他自己的作品在很大程度上实现了这一正确主张。
I will take care that my obligation to you shall be amply repay. 我一定会加倍报答您对我的恩惠。
I'll provide for you amply. you've plenty of grounds. 我会令你满足,给你很多地。
The case description of product conceptual design and the case reasoning process are studied amply. 具体研究了概念设计实例的表示和推理技术。
Even in countries which are now amply fed by their agricultural products there could soon be critical food shortages. 甚至在当前还算丰衣足食的国家,说不定不久也会发生严重的食物短缺。
You will be amply recomposed for your loyal support. 你的忠心的赞助会得到充分的酬谢。
Work hard and you will be amply rewarded. 努力工作,你会得到丰厚回报的。
But he has already been amply rewarded for this success. 但是他获得了充足的回报。
And I'll be amply rewarded in return. 我会有作为奖赏的充分的回报。