The study was published in the journal Human Nature and is somewhat amusingly titled I want what shes having. 这则研究发布在《人性》期刊上,并且稍加调侃地加以标题我要她有的。
'Well, of course, when you're married, you will often have her charming mother and sisters to stay. How delightful for you!' And Miss Bingley, seeing that Darcy remained calm, continued to mock the Bennet family as amusingly as she could. 那当然啦,结婚以后,你可以经常叫她那迷人的妈妈还有姐妹们去坐坐,那简直愉快极了!彬格莱小姐看到达西还是那么平静,就继续竭力取笑班纳特一家。
This conversation did not endear Mr Darcy to Elizabeth, but she told the story very cheerfully and amusingly to her friends. 这番对话并没有使伊丽莎白对达西先生产生好感,可是她却十分快活而饶有兴趣地把这段故事讲给朋友听。
Anyway, one of the amusingly convenient things about evil and destruction is that they tend to just evilly destruct each other eventually. 况且,最有趣的是这些邪恶终将自我残杀,这对我来说真的很方便。
The dialogue is not only sparse, but amusingly formal and awkward. 对话不仅是稀疏,但可笑的正式和尴尬。
According to an old Chinese folk tale, here amusingly retold for young readers what happened. 读了这个由古老的中国寓言改编的故事,你就知道孔雀和乌鸦之间究竟发生什么啦。
The enunciating subject stands out here as clearly as in "Long live Poland," where the only thing that sticks out is what its manifestation amusingly evokes. 表述的主体在此清楚地突显出来,如同在「波兰万岁!」。在那里,仅有突显出来的事情,是它的证明有趣地地在召唤的东西。
He talked lightly and amusingly of kings and cardinals. 他轻松而又风趣地谈论国王和红衣主教。
Amusingly, he did not explain his position to me. 有趣的是,他没有向我说明他的立场。
Hollywood has grown too sophisticated to turn out anything really amusingly bad these days. 如今,好莱坞越来越精益求精,不会再推出只会令人发笑的低劣片子了。
Although own think very amusingly. 虽然自己觉得很好玩。
Amusingly, in the past year many people have suggested that the BRICs story is over. 可笑的是,近一年来,很多人都表示,金砖四国已是明日黄花。
The actress forgot her lines but ad-libbed very amusingly. 这位女演员忘了台词,但她那即兴演出非常逗笑。
Because thinks amusingly, only is because thinks amusingly, is this small reason. 因为觉得好玩,就只是因为觉得好玩,就是这一个小小的原因。
I let you, does not represent me to eat without paying, lets you play amusingly! 我让你们,不代表我就是白吃,让你们耍好玩的!
The play is amusingly write, but its subject is a serious one 剧本写得风趣逗笑,但其主题则是严肃的