She set herself, therefore, to gathering violets and wood-anemones, and some scarlet columbines that she found growing in the crevices of a high rock. 因此,她就一心采集紫罗兰和木莲花,以及她发现长在一块高大石头的缝隙中的一些腥红的耧斗菜。
In other words, creatures like barnacles and anemones are hitching rides from the shore to the middle of the ocean. 换句话说,像藤壶、海葵这类动物都可搭乘垃圾漂浮物这台“顺风车”从近海出发抵达远海。
-and, to please them, Pearl gathered the violets, and anemones, and columbines, and some twigs of the freshest green, which the old trees held down before her eyes. 而为了让它们高兴,珠儿也就摘了几朵紫罗兰、银莲花和耧斗菜,以及一些从老树上垂到她眼前的翠绿的嫩枝。
Mussels, clams, sea anemones and seaweed were found sheltering on this artificial island, Moore said. 他说,贻贝、蛤蚌、海葵、海藻都寄居在这座岛上。
Corals and sea anemones having eight branches. 珊瑚虫和海葵,有八个分枝。
What looks like rock-covered clusters of dark weeds at low tide will become a colorful coral with sea anemones waving in the currents at high tide. 那些在潮退时看似被石块盖掩着的杂草,在潮涨时却会变成彩色缤纷的珊瑚,与海葵一起随着水流荡漾。
It is a daily movement, mainly in spring flowers that are pale and cup-shaped like wood anemones and buttercups. She leant against a Butter-cup to rest himself, and fanned herself with one of the leaves. 常见于那些在春季开花具盘状和杯状花冠的植物中,如五叶银莲花和金凤花。她身子靠着一棵金凤花休息,用一张叶子当扇子扇着。
Perhaps it's because of this magical and prophetic tales that today in the language of flowers, anemones represent anticipation. 或许就是由于这番神奇的、有先知意味的传说,所以银莲花的花语也可以解释为预言。
The team placed the anemones on top of either coral skeletons or white plumbing tape in the lab. 研究小组将海葵分别放在珊瑚骨骼上和白色的管道胶带上。
The crabs defend themselves by carrying tiny stinging sea anemones in their claws. 螃蟹进行辩护,在他们的小爪子海葵刺痛自己。
What's more, anemones placed on the coral received four times less UV radiation and showed about seven times less damage to their DNA than those placed on the tape. 此外,比起胶带上的海葵,放在珊瑚骨骼上的海葵所遭受的紫外辐射少四倍,其DNA所受到的破坏少大约七倍。
Some sea anemones are biradial. 一些海葵是两辐对称的。
To see if this material protects the organisms that live on reefs, marine biologist Ruth Reef of the University of Queensland in Australia and colleagues studied sea anemones ( Aiptasia pulchella). 为了搞清这种东西是否可以保护生活于珊瑚礁中的生物,澳大利亚昆士兰大学的海洋生物学家鲁思·里夫及同事研究了海葵。
Jostling for room, sea anemones, corals, and sponges vividly paint the floor of a kelp forest. 海葵,珊瑚,海绵,这些多姿多彩的生物熙熙攘攘的聚集在一起,把海藻森林当作它们的家。
On beaches where crabs and sea anemones outnumber swimmers, environmentalists have a gentle reminder: No poking, prodding or removing the creatures from their natural setting. 在螃蟹和海葵比游泳者还多的沙滩上,环保主义者发出温和的提示:不要捅、戳这些生物,也不要把它们搬离原来的地方。
There you will find an entrance that is girdled with sea anemones. 那里你将会发现一个由海葵驻守的入口。
Sweet-scented thymes and blushing anemones spread over the verdure in delicate bloom and filled the air with their fragrance. 扑鼻的百里香与红色的秋牡丹艳开在青翠的树枝上,空气中充满着它们散发出来的芳香。
Clownfish live in symbiosis with poisonous sea anemones, which protect them and make them difficult to catch. 由于小丑鱼与有毒性的海葵共生,有此保护伞,活捉困难度高。
The Pogonophoran Worm is not alone in the non-farting stakes as animals such as Jellyfish, Coral and Sea Anemones also lack intestines and an anus. 须腕动物蠕虫并不是唯一一种不放屁的物种,像水母、珊瑚虫、海葵也没有肠道和肛门。
The fungi from anemones in the intertidal zone of Qingdao sea area and the antimicrobial substance they produced 分离自青岛海区潮间带海葵的真菌及其产生的抑菌物质