Electric power engineering project management is anfractuosity, many factors are interactional and interrelation. 电力工程项目建设管理的内容千条万绪,管理过程中许多因素相互制约,相互关联。
The Chinese modern architectural ornaments since the 20th century both have been anfractuosity and have become illegibility and temporaries, which have been affected by the phantasmagoric social environment, the technology development and the economic advantages. 20世纪以来中国的现代建筑装饰在风云变幻的社会环境的影响下呈现错综复杂的局面,在技术的快速发展与经济利益的驱动下又面临模糊化与暂时化的困境。
The probability that China will involve in the local war in the foreseeable future should not be underestimated because of its great reunification undertaking unfinished and the anfractuosity of its political and military circumstance. 中国统一大业未竟,国内外政治与军事环境错综复杂,在可预见的未来卷入局部战争的几率不可低估。