Many kids suffer from acne and angst. 许多年轻人都会受到青春痘和焦虑的困扰。
'What if there's nothing left at all?' he cries, lost in some intense existential angst. “要是什么都不会留下呢?”他叫喊道,陷入了对自身存在的深度焦虑。
Through the exile, the wandering and the angst, he created The Divine Comedy divided into Hell, Purgatory and Paradise a poem many consider the greatest ever written. 在流放、游荡和痛苦中,他创作了《神曲》,这部被很多人视为有史以来最伟大的诗篇分为《地狱》、《炼狱》和《天堂》三部。
Not since the 1960s has the prospect of machines replacing people inspired such awe and angst. 自20世纪60年代以来,机器代替人类的前景还从未引发眼下这种程度的畏惧和焦虑。
A few themes explored in the novel are rebellion, alienation, angst and confusion. 这本书的主题包括叛逆、异化、焦虑和迷茫。
Why should fat-laced rat chow lessen angst about a new cage mate? 为什么富含脂肪的食物会减轻老鼠对新同伴的紧张感呢?
Volatility is not the friend of an I.P.O. It creates a lot of angst in the marketplace. 它会让人对市场产生许多担心。
To outsiders, this all seems like just another instance of collective German angst. 在外人眼中,这一切似乎只是德国人集体焦虑的又一例证。
Then the researchers tested the effect in the other direction by trying to induce existential angst. 接着,这些研究者尝试唤起受试者的焦虑,以测试怀旧在另一个极端的作用。
All my children went through a period of late-adolescent angst. 我的孩子们都经历了青春期后阶段的焦虑。
Class spite and social angst riddle British corporate cultures. 阶层间的敌视和对社会的焦虑充斥于英国的企业文化。
So how to resolve the contradiction between lasting change and queasy angst? 那么如何解决“永恒的变化”和“动荡的焦虑”之间的矛盾呢?
But these days, senior citizens are provoking as much angst as admiration. 但在这一天,老年人不仅仅得到了人们的敬爱,还引发了人们对他们深深的担忧。
We all ask ourselves these questions and go through this angst at some point in our lives. 我们问问自己这些问题,经历我们生命中另人焦虑不安的阶段。
But, let's drop down all the angst and suspicion and pray for the Olympic Game with me 但请大家放下心头的担心与怀疑,与我一起为奥运会祈祷
By angst, I mean how horrible the problem makes its owner feel. 苦恼程度指问题让提问者感到可怕的程度。
As depressed as internal cause sex disease is similar, also expression is angst sex depressed with covet sex depressed. 与内因性抑郁症相似,也有表现为焦虑性抑郁和妄想性抑郁。
Admittedly, not all economically successful countries are consumed by angst. 诚然,并非所有在经济方面成功的国家,都被焦虑所困扰。
Well, first, there's a nature inside of us that wants us to be in angst. 唔,首先,就会有一种自然的内我们,要我们在焦虑。
A pioneer of expressionism, whose paintings were of angst and grief. 表现主义的先驱,作品中充满了焦虑和悲伤。
In the book, I have graded the problems against two scores: angst and difficulty. 在本书中,我将问题按照两个标准分成不同级别:苦恼程度和难度。
Should private pain or angst be thrown at the public in the name of "giving a performance"? 个人的痛苦和忧虑,应不应该美其名为表演,向观众宣泄?
Keep a cool head after the initial tears and angst. 在最初的眼泪和恐惑之后,保持一个清晰的头脑。
Angst is a big factor in Asia, too. 在亚洲,焦虑也是一个重要因素。
The flip side of relentless mobility is turmoil and angst, broken marriages and unhappy children. 不断迁移的反面是混乱、焦虑、离婚和不幸的孩子。
Or continuing angst during one's days. 或持续焦虑,在一个人的日子。
That's an ample cushion to angst, however frayed once-predictable careers have become. 这足以使他们免于担忧&不管曾经可以预测的事业变得多么的受挫。
But the development as the illness and exasperate degree, the account that the patient produces insomnia basically is angst ( or scared) ache with the body. 但随着病情的发展与恶化程度,病人产生失眠的原因主要是焦虑(或惧怕)和躯体疼痛。
This time, a friend appears to be creating your angst. 这个时候,一个朋友将会一起你的焦虑。
This is me a problem of special angst. 这是我非常焦虑的一个新问题。