Analyzing, animadverting and transforming "concept" to achieve their return to the reality is one of contemporary philosophy's basic tasks. 分析批判改造“概念”、实现其向本体回归是当代哲学的基本任务之一。
The main body of this thesis is divided into the following three parts: Part one, philosophy and animadverting mode of thinking. 第一部分,批判的思维方式与哲学。
Part four: analysising the using extra culture and animadverting culture of asturias, this part point out the confict and accommadation between mainland culture and extra culture. 第四部分:分析阿斯图里亚斯对超现实主义借鉴与批判,进一步理清在拉美现代文化中所存在的本土化和世界化之间冲突与调节。
China Today's contemporary photography already has broken the limit of tradition and idea, all images have the value of animadverting have become part of contemporary art history date bank. 今日中国的当代摄影已经打破了传统与观念的限制,一切具有批判性价值的影像都成为当代艺术史资料库中的一个组成部分。
Fourth Chapter indicated the important academic status of Sen's freedom theory, by animadverting on freedom concept of Utilitarianism, Rawls and Nozick. 第四章通过森对功利主义自由观、罗尔斯的自由观及诺齐克的自由观的批判,表明森的实质自由观的重要学术地位。
Progress of art originates from art's animadverting on itself. 艺术的进步,源于艺术对自身的批判。
The post-soviet era came along with the animadverting and negation of Soviet system. 后苏联时代到来的过程,伴随着对苏联的批判、否定。
The issue of nationality animadverting is complex. 国民性批判问题是复杂的。
About the essence of mathematics, Hardy is a completist whose opinion is in favor of understanding the "doing mathematics for itself" spirit of pursuing and animadverting on logos. 关于数学本质,哈代持极端的完美主义,它有利于理解为数学而数学的理性追求和理性批判精神;
Based on the animadverting legal system of the bourgeois, Marks had put forward his forest legislation view. 马克思的森林立法观是在批判资产阶级法制的基础上提出的。
Marxism philosophy contains animadverting and constructing dimensionality because of its practice by spurning metaphysics. 马克思哲学拒斥形而上学的实践特质内在地含有对现代性的批判向度和建设向度。
Using dialectical determinism to scan social developmental law& and animadverting on undeterminism 以辩证决定论观念审视社会发展规律&兼对非决定论的批判
Part three discusses what kind of animadverting mode of thinking Chinese philosophy needs in future. 第三部分,探讨未来的中国哲学需要何种意义上的批判的思维方式问题。
During the process of legal professional education, strengthening animadverting thought will contribute to the independent and initiative way of thinking and the development of legal professional reasoning ability. 在法律职业教育中强化批判性思维训练有助于培养法律职业的独立性、主动性思维方式,有助于培养法律职业论证能力;
Yearning for human nature of the original foreworld acts against the principle of human history although it has the significance of animadverting on despotism. 对原始洪荒的人性向往,虽然具有批判专制的意义,但却违反人类历史的法则。
Both the development of Chinese and western philosophy depends on the animadverting mode of thinking internally, which has different display, advantages and shortcomings in Chinese and western philosophy respectively. 西方哲学和中国哲学的发展都内在地依赖于批判的思维方式,只是批判的思维方式在两种哲学中有着不同的表现形式,各有优势,各有缺憾。
The article revealed the essence of science after animadverting on scientism. 本课题考察并批判了科学主义关于科学的理解,通过系统地分析论证,揭示了科学的本质及其特征。
Animadverting on religious practice of the Christianity formalism, is foundation of Hardy's religious view, singing the praises of the Christian emotion and morality and affirming significance of its realistic value, is the essential character of Hardy's religious view. 哈代对基督教形式主义信仰实践的批判,对基督教情感道德的讴歌和现实价值意义的肯定,则是通过小说创作实现的。
Chapter four: Revealing and animadverting to the imperial examinations. 第四章:对科举制度的揭露与批判。
It oversteps the limitations of idealism and materialism and also provides formidable theoretical arms for those great practical activities which aim at understanding^ animadverting and reconstructing the world. 它既超越了一切唯心主义哲学,也克服了一切旧唯物主义的局限性,为人们认识世界、批判世界、改造世界和建设世界的伟大实践活动提供了强大而锐利的思想武器。
He clarified the necessity of the moral revolution by animadverting on the old Confucianism, ethic and morality of the feudalism and outlined what kind of new morality should be constructed and how to construct it in his spreading the new morality. 他通过对封建旧礼教、旧伦理道德的批判,阐明道德革命的必要性;通过对新道德的张扬,提出了构筑新道德的根本途径及其基本轮廓。
The humanistic spirit of practice theory is represented in the inner transcendent spirit of discovering new world from animadverting on old world, the spirit of seeking for the concrete while being against the abstract and the spirit of being healthy and entire, dialectic and integrative. 实践观的人文精神表现为在批判旧世界中发现新世界的内在超越精神,寻求具体、反对抽象的精神以及健康全面、辩证综合的精神。
Defending and Animadverting of the Ethic of Market Economy 市场经济伦理的辩护与批判
When animadverting on theism, Wang Chong paid much attention on its technique, which includes proving the truth by fact and experiment, judging the fact by calculating the quantity, exposing the antinomy by logical analysis and exploding the superstition by knowledge. 王充在批判有神论的过程中,很注重方法的运用,其方法主要有:用事实与实验证伪、用量的推算判断虚实、运用逻辑分析揭露矛盾、用知识破除迷信。
Animadverting on the former teaching theory and constructing understanding teaching theory become the certain trend of the development of the teaching theory. 批判已有的教学理论,构建理解性教学理论成为教学理论发展的必然走向。
In the midst of the aggressive animadverting, subverting and dissolving of post-modern philosophy, will subjectivity go towards dusk or twilight? 尽管这一旧问题在不同历史阶段的合法性危机中,拥有自己不断转型的新形态,但是随着后现代哲学咄咄逼人的批判、颠覆和解构,主体性是走向黄昏还是向黎明迈进?
As the main deputy of modern western philosophy, Marx's philosophy realize a turning that making "the freedoms of people liberate" as the value themes of philosophy, by animadverting and changing the tradition thinking mode. 马克思哲学作为现代西方哲学理论的主要代表,通过对传统哲学思维方式的批判和变革,真正实现了以人的自由解放作为哲学价值主题的哲学转向。
Germinating in the later 1970s and taking its shape in the 1990s, the "post-practical aesthetics" is a Chinese contemporary aesthetics and aesthetic thought in literature and art which is rised from reflecting and animadverting on Chinese main aesthetic school named Practical Aesthetics. 后实践美学于20世纪70年代末开始萌芽,20世纪90年开始形成体系,是中国当代美学界和文艺学界在对中国主流学派实践美学的反思与批判中兴起的一股美学思潮。
This essay first analyzes those counterviews, and on the basis of animadverting on the counterviews, discusses the theoretical opinions of animal liberation theory: anti-speciesism and the principle of equal consideration of interests. 本文首先分析了这些反对意见,并在对这些观点进行批判的基础上论述了动物解放论的理论主张:反对物种歧视和利益的平等考虑原则。
Not only summarized about animadverting of his early theory such as Augustine picture, ostensive definition and private rules, but also revealed the falsehood of traditional philosophy, represented the establishment of new paradigm. 它不仅仅是对于他前期理论如奥古斯丁图画、直接指证定义、私人规则的批判的总结,同时也显示了传统哲学在其理论自身中的谬误,代表着哲学新范式的确立。