Small segments of the population practise Hinduism or animism. 人口中还有一小部分信仰印度教和万物教。
Traditional religions embody such concepts as monotheism, animism, vitalism, spirit and ancestor worship, witchcraft, and sorcery and vary widely among ethnic groups; none is formalized. 传统宗教包括一些观念,像一神论、万物有灵论、生机说、敬奉祖先、魔法和巫术,因不同的民族有所差异。
Animism is common among primitive peoples. 原始部落中,万物有灵论很普遍。
The theory of animism has exerted great influence on the study of religions during the last twenty years. 理论的万物有灵论已施加了很大的影响,对研究宗教在过去的二十年。
New information about cave paintings and Goddess figurines and other forms of animism are being found every year. 最近每一年都能发现有关岩洞壁画和女神雕像以及其它万物有灵论的形式。
In some remote areas, animism is still practiced. 在一些偏远地区,万物有灵论仍然实行。
The first part of the above quote is like a description of animism, the belief that everything in the world has a spirit. 契里柯所叙述的前半部似乎类同万物有灵论的论调,经常出现在东南亚的信仰和艺术当中。
This thesis explores the animism in The Old Man and the Sea. 本文试探讨《老人与海》中所体现的泛灵论思想。
Animism is an object believed to have some kind of God to belief in the phenomenon of life. 万物有灵论是一种相信某种神灵能够使物体具有生命现象的信仰。
There is no theory which could go deep into human's mind except animism. 没有一种理论能像泛灵论这样深入人心。
For the application of the theory of animism to living things in general, see LIFE. 为应用理论的万物有灵论,以生活的东西一般,看到的生活。
Animism is ascribing to each natural phenomena a spirit to reside over it. 万物有灵论是把每一种现象都归咎于有一种精神居住在里面。
One who accepts the doctrine of animism. 一个接受万物有灵论信条的人。
Under the influence of animism," Wu-er "becomes a symbol of the eminent position of the dead. 在万物有灵的原始宗教观念影响下,“兀儿”成了佤族死者生前显赫身份的一种象征符号。
Animism is the doctrine or theory of the soul. 万物有灵论是学说或理论的灵魂。
In this sense animism is the theory proposed by some evolutionists to account for the origin of religion. 在这个意义上是万物有灵论的理论所提出的一些进化论者,以帐户为原产地的宗教。
Creative and revolutionary aspect of "Cha-No-Yu" may have long gone but their old animism still live on. 茶道的创造性和革命性也许已经不存在了,但其中的精神还在。
Because the first humans depended so much on the animals and plants around them for life, animism developed to be what was the first known religion. 因为最初的人类生活中到处依赖大量的动物和植物,万物有灵论发展成为最初知晓的宗教。
Positive animism is reflected in the spiritual communication between the fisherman Santiago and surrounding natural objects and illustrated in three aspects& brotherhood, mental reflection and primitive animism. 渔夫桑提亚哥在与周围自然物象的精神交流中体现了积极的泛灵论思想,本文从兄弟关系、心灵观照和原始的泛灵论这三个方面来阐述这一思想。
Animism: Man's First interpretation on Nature 万物有灵:人对自然的初步读解
As a kind of understanding world way and a kind of culture type, the mysticism is mainly shown as ghosts and gods 'faith and animism in China, deeply kept among the folk, and reflected in the literary works. 神秘主义作为一种认识世界的思维方式在我国文化形态上主要表现为鬼神信仰、万物有灵,并在民间有着深厚的积淀,同时也反映到文学创作之中。
Olunchun believes in Shamanism, which is a primitive natural religion, and it believes in animism. 鄂伦春民族信奉萨满教,萨满教是一种原始的自然宗教,相信万物有灵。
At the same time, the forces of nature humanized resulted in the concept of animism, God was also created originally. 同时,由于将自然力人格化,产生了万物有灵的观念,最初的神也产生了。
Shaman culture acts as a media between man and nature, which gives the Ewenki people a spiritual world deriving from animism. This is also the root cause of their harmony with nature. 萨满教文化更是作为人与自然沟通的重要媒介,它赋予了鄂温克人一个万物有灵的精神世界,这也正是鄂温克人维持这种与自然和谐相容的根本原因。
The Zhuang Mo religion has a long history, it bases on the animism, nature worship and ancestor worship, which afterwards develops into a kind of originality folk religious with the view of worshipping gods and praying for happiness. 壮族麽教具有悠久的历史,它是壮族先民在万物有灵、自然崇拜、祖先崇拜的基础上,发展形成的以祷祝神灵为手段、以禳灾祈福为目的的原生性民间宗教。
This is based on the original thinking of our ancestors, namely, animism thinking, performance for things my mutual infiltration, as well as showing some of the poetry of plant analogies self "rhythm of life". 这基于先民们的原始思维,即万物有灵的思维,表现为物我的互渗,以及在一些诗歌中所流露出的以植物比附自我的生命的律动。
Creation of the magic world is different from the real world. The society where nature lives together with low-carbon, animism is highly civilized, which solve problems the highly developed real world can not be resolved. 作品创作的魔幻世界异于现实世界,低碳、万物有灵,与自然共同生存的状态下社会高度文明,解决了科技高度发达的现实社会中不能解决的难题。
In the Iron-Age of Britain, the Celts are the owner of the British Isles. They believe in 'Natural Religion', based on Druidism believe in animism and immortality. 铁器时代的不列颠,凯尔特人是这个岛的主人,他们信奉以督伊德教为主的自然宗教,相信万物有灵、灵魂不灭。
For chapter 2, the effect of primitive religious consciousness on the Shinto concept of Kan Pao presented the faith awareness of animism and the primitive religion in the form of naturism, ghost worship and manism as well as phallicism, respectively. 第二章,原始宗教意识对干宝神道思想的影响,分别细化为自然崇拜、鬼魂崇拜、祖先崇拜和生殖崇拜等原始宗教形式与万物有灵的信仰意识。
The ideology can be traced back to ancient times. There is a close contact with the concept of animism and primitive religious worship. There is no political activity relationship. 祥瑞思想的起源可以追溯到上古时代,与万物有灵的观念和原始的宗教崇拜存在着密切的联系,尚未与政治活动发生关系。