All animosities were laid aside for the moment. 一切仇恨都被暂时抛开。
Agreement on joint exploration of the disputed waters would remove the biggest irritant in ties between two neighbours long divided by historical animosities. 历史仇恨造成了中日两国的长期隔阂。就有争端水域达成联合开采协议,将会消除两个邻国之间最大的不稳定因素。
With freedom now taken for granted, the old animosities are ill suppressed. 在自由已被认为是理所应当的今天,旧有的仇恨被恶意地压抑着。
He says religious animosities are so high in Nigeria that the slightest provocation can lead to widespread bloodshed. 他说,尼日利亚的宗教敌意如此之大,以至于轻微的挑衅也会导致广泛的流血冲突。
"Barriers to intercourse, jealousies, animosities and heartburnings" loom. “对交流的阻碍,猜忌,仇恨,嫉妒”正日渐显现出来。
With such fragile foundations, that rapprochement could quickly falter as a result of mounting domestic criticism of its fruitlessness or an accident that unleashes the mutual animosities bubbling underneath in both societies. 根基如此脆弱,如果国内批评这种友好毫无成果的舆论升温,或一次意外释放出植根于各自社会中的相互仇恨,两国之间的友好关系可能会迅速瓦解。
All past animosities are dead and buried now. 过去的所有仇恨现在都不考虑而且一笔勾销了。
The struggles of the two men remind us of our own struggles to control our animosities and angers. 两位男主角之间的斗争提醒我们在斗争中要控制自己仇恨及愤怒。
Both sides could use benign neglect to postpone emotionally charged issues until sentiments allow for a softening in animosities. 双方可采取善意忽视的策略,先不处理这些极其情绪化的问题、直到两国民众情绪允许敌意软化为止。
To set opposing parties or interests against one another so as to advance one's own goals. In truth, the animosities of the President and his opposition fed on each other. 使对立双方相争以从中得利使对立的政党或利益集团相争以实现自己的目标实际上,总统和他对手之间的相互仇视使对立情绪加深了。