At skin sites destined to have apocrine units, a third epithelial bud develops from the opposite side of the follicle above the level of the sebaceous gland anlage. 在形成顶泌汗腺单位的皮肤部位还有第三个上皮胚芽形成,它发生于皮脂腺始基之上与毛囊相对的位置。
The intestine, adductor muscle, nephridium and gill anlage develop after 90 days. 90d后,肠、闭壳肌、肾脏和鳃原基等生成;
When the anlage arrived at the largest size with polytene chromosomes densely packed in it, the DNA contents increased to maximum, i. e., about one half the DNA contents of the vegetative macronucleus. 这一时期的大核原基体积最大,DNA含量达到最高值,接近营养大核DNA含量的一半。
The laryngotracheal diverticulum was first seen on the 6th day of incubation. The anlage of larynx appeared on the 8th day of incubation. 孵育第6天出现喉气管憩室,第8天出现喉原基。
The Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica experiences for 26 months from the flowered anlage producing to the mature of cone, during the period the influence of climatic factors is very big. 樟子松从花原基产生到球果成熟需经历26个月的漫长时间,期间受气候因子影响较大。
The change of fresh weight and breathing intensity were inspected, and the were correlative to shoot and bud differentiation and root anlage growth. 观测表明,郁金香种球贮藏期鲜重及呼吸强度变化同其芽分化和根原基生长相关。
The use of seed coating may elevate the number of lateral root anlage occurring and shorten the time of lateral root anlage occurring, especially the effect of Chemical control seed coating is better. 应用种衣剂可以提高侧根原基发生的数量,缩短侧根原基的发生时间,其中以化控种衣剂效果最好。
The cotyledon anlage appears at the both sides of the globular embryo. It is actually the transition period during which the early heart-shape embryo is developed. With the extension of the cotyledon anlage and embryonic plant, the mature heart-shape embryo is formed. 球形胚两侧出现子叶原基,由球形胚向心形胚过渡,形成了早期的心形胚,随着子叶原基和胚体的伸长,形成后期心形胚。