After annulling their marriages, the legal marital status of the women in question would be restored to single instead of divorced. 在宣判他们的婚姻无效后,女性在该问题上其合法的婚姻状况将恢复到单身而不是离婚。
A matrimonial dispensation is the relaxation in a particular case of an impediment prohibiting or annulling a marriage. 婚姻省却是放宽在特定案件中的一个障碍,禁止或废止婚姻。
In both China and India, epilepsy is commonly viewed as a reason for prohibiting or annulling marriages. 在中国和印度,癫痫常常被看作是禁止结婚或无效婚姻的一个理由。
Voiding a debt by annulling or paying it. 以取消或偿付的办法使一笔债务失效。
If the foundation uses the donated property in violation of the donation agreement, the donor shall have the right to require the foundation to abide by the donation agreement or apply to the people's court for annulling the act of donation and canceling the donation agreement. 本基金会违反捐赠协议使用捐赠财产的,捐赠人有权要求基金会遵守捐赠协议或者向人民法院申请撤销捐赠行为、解除捐赠协议。
It is easy for you to talk of annulling the law of development, but where is the new law of development that will maintain your strength? 你们侈谈消灭发展规律,那倒容易,但是能让你保留自己力量的新发展规律又在哪里?
The act of revoking or annulling or making void. 取消、废除或使无效的行为。
The Registrar shall keep a record of any orders made under these rules and any orders of the court of appeal annulling or varying the same. 司法常务官须为根据本规则作出的任何命令及上诉法庭废止或更改该等命令的任何命令,备存一份纪录。
The act ( by someone having the authority) of annulling something previously done. 取消以前做的事情。