The anomie actions often happen in the field of our country's academic evaluation nowadays, one important reasons is that objections exist in the academic evaluation system. 当今我国学界学术评审领域的失范行为时有发生,一个重要的原因在于学术评审制度存在着缺陷。
The disadvantaged groups have to do Silence of the Lambs, or forced to take unusual forms, as the red line of Anomie collision. 弱势群体在利益表达的道路上要么做沉默的羔羊,要么被迫采取非常规形式,成为冲撞红线的失范者。
The society "anomie" is sure to influence directly or indirectly the student behaviors, and is liable to cause the juvenile deviance. 社会“失范”必然会对学生的行为产生直接或间接的影响,容易诱发青少年学生越轨行为的发生。
A Study on Moral Anomie in Food Safety Report and the Countermeasures 食品安全报道中的道德失范与对策研究
A Study on Government Anomie Behavior in Farmland Transferring during Urbanization 农村土地城市化流转过程中的政府失范行为研究
The causes of academic anomie and the analysis on its preventative mechanism 高校学术失范现象的动因与防范机制分析
Ethic Anomie in Contemporary Chinese Administrative Decision-making, and Its Hazard and Causes 当代中国行政决策伦理失范表现、危害及成因
Life satisfaction was explained by whether people had a partner or how subjectively powerless they felt ( a question designed to access anomie). 生活满意度取决于人民是否有终身伴侣及他们主观上的无力感?
Analysis of Anomie Behaviors of College Students before Graduation: Based on the Means-Target Theory 毕业前夕大学生失范行为分析基于手段目标说理论
Analysis on Teachers Professional Morality Anomie in Primary and Secondary Schools and the Countermeasures; Teachers of Professional Ethics of the Psychological Causes of Loss and Coping Strategies 中小学教师职业道德失范行为透析及控制对策教师职业道德失范的心理成因与应对策略
Moral Anomie and Soul Salvation in the Times of Entertainment& On the Abuses and Countermeasures of Literature Secularization 娱乐化时代的道德失范与灵魂救赎&浅论文学世俗化之弊及应对之策
One outstanding problem existing in universities is the anomie of academic morality. 大学学术道德失范是当今我国大学存在的一个突出问题。
Emile Durkhem has attributed the social anomie to three reasons such as the danger of social disorganization, the damage of abnormal social division of labor on social solidarity and the threat on organic solidarity. 涂尔干把社会失范的原因归结为三个方面,即社会解组的危险、反常分工对社会团结的破坏作用和有机团结受到威胁;
As China has undergone such rapid changes, anomie is a prime candidate for lower levels of happiness. 因为中国经历了这种急剧变革,失范是低幸福感的首要可能。
Research on Government's Anomie Behaviors and Regulations based on Common-Pool Resources 基于共用资源管理的政府失范行为及其规制研究
Journalism Anomie during China's Social Transition 转型社会中我国新闻失范行为状况分析
China's social transition, there is a certain degree of moral personality crisis in the undergraduates party members, and lead to a number of university students have behavior anomie. 中国社会转型期,在当代大学生党员群体中却存在着一定程度的道德人格危机,并导致一部分大学生行为失范。
A Study on Network Violence Caused by the Anomie of Human Flesh Search 失范的人肉搜索引发的网络暴力现象研究
The Application of Students 'Responsibility Model in the Middle School Classroom Anomie 学生责任感模型在应对中学生课堂失范行为中的应用
A Study on Implicit Aggressiveness and Implicit Self-Esteem of Cyber Behavior Anomie 网络行为失范者的内隐攻击性、内隐自尊研究
Research on the Anomie of the Government Administrative Act in the Process of Urban Housing Demolition 城市房屋拆迁过程中的政府行政行为失范问题研究
On the Unstandardized Phenomena in the Appraisement of Invisible Assets and Their Countermeasures; The causes of academic anomie and the analysis on its preventative mechanism 无形资产评估中的失范现象及其防范对策高校学术失范现象的动因与防范机制分析
Mechanism study on the impetus of anomie of administrative law enforcement 城市管理行政执法失范形成动力机制研究
"Role Anomie": The Research of" Problem Emperor "in Ming Dynasty 角色失范:明代问题皇帝研究
That may say as much about the hedonism and anomie of the 1970s as about the contagiousness of slang Slang and folk adage, which have close relation with local culture, not only reflect local culture but also carry on local culture. 这既可说明70年代人们那种享乐主义和颓废反常的心理,也显示了俚俗语的感染力之强。俚俗语与地方文化密切相关,既是地方文化的反映,同时又使地方文化得以传承。
Industrial class conflict was a symptom of anomie. 工业阶级矛盾就是一种反常的症象。
An Empirical Study of Moral Anomie during the Social Transformation Period in Kyrgyzstan 吉尔吉斯斯坦社会转型时期道德失范实证研究
The Moral Anomie Performance of the Teenagers in the New Era and its Cause 新时期青少年道德失范表现及原因剖析