Thompson decided to give it a try, and ended up quitting AON ( AON) to join Prudential ( Pru) full-time in April 2011. 汤普森决定试一试,最终他在2011年4月离开怡安,成为保诚的全职员工。
Aon Hewitt estimated average staff turnover in China last year at just under 20%, and Ms. Lu said the rate for Gen Y could be as much as 10% higher. 怡安翰威特估计,去年中国的平均员工流动率略低于20%。鲁宁说,Y世代的员工流动率可能高出10%。
'The telecom company understands that because these are only children, they will turn to their parents for the final decision,' said Alan Pang, Aon Hewitt's head of talent for greater China. 怡安翰威特大中国区人才负责人AlanPang说,电信企业的理解是,他们都还只是孩子,在做最终决定之前会征求父母的意见。
One Chinese state-owned enterprise recruits sea turtles by saying, 'Come join us because we don't have a glass ceiling,' according to Alan Pang, head of talent in greater China for consulting firm Aon Hewitt. 咨询公司怡安翰威特(AonHewitt)大中华区人才主管AlanPang说,一家中国国有企业招募海归的口号是:加入我们吧,因为我们没有玻璃天花板。
First stop is a training camp in Chicago, home of new shirt sponsors Aon. 第一站是芝加哥的训练营,那是球衣赞助商怡安保险的总部。
Aon France will use satellite photos obtained by the French weather bureau to calculate how much money subcribers should receive. 怡安保险法国分公司将利用从法国气象局获取的卫星图片,计算客户可领回多少钱。
As the core equipment of AON, OADM has great influence on the transmit ability and network originating of AON. 作为全光通信网的核心设备的光分插复用器(OADM),对全光网的传输能力、组网方式、关键性能都具有重要影响。
We are honored to invite you to participate in2011 Aon Hewitt Total Compensation Measurement Result Sharing Meeting, to understand the latest changes of labor market and compensation trend in Wuxi! 我们很荣幸地邀请您参加怡安翰威特2011年度无锡城市全面薪酬评估结果分享会,了解无锡最新的人才市场变化以及薪酬趋势!
All Optical Network ( AON) which attracts the attention of the experts all over the world can augment the capacity of optical fiber communication economically and effectively. 全光网络(AON)可以经济有效地增加光纤通信系统容量,已成为各国专家研究热点。
Were it not itself owned by WPP, Burson-Marsteller might benefit from the brand restoration insurance that AON, the insurance broker, is now selling. 如果本身不是wpp集团的一员,博雅或许能从怡安保险(aon)正在销售的品牌重建保险中获益。
This paper introduces some key techniques of all-optical net ( AON) such as all-optical regeneration, dense WDM, Erbium-mixing optical amplifier EDFA, optical random stock RAM, and optical switch, etc. 概述了全光网络中的全光再生技术、密集波分复用、掺铒光纤放大器EDFA、光随机存储RAM、光开关等关键技术,提出了今后进一步研究的方向和思路。
Stephen Edwards, an earth scientist and research manager at the Aon Benfield UCL Hazard Research Centre, called for more high-quality, peer-reviewed data. AonBenfieldUCL危险研究中心的地球科学家兼研究负责人StephenEdwards呼吁获取更多高质量的同行评议的数据。
The simulation experiments show that AON can perform as well as CAN in searching efficiency. 实验的结果显示AON在绕径的效率中和CAN一样好。
This paper mainly studies AON ( All Optical Network) adaptation layer technology and blocking probability of wavelength-routing networks. 本文主要研究全光网络的适配层技术和波长路由网络的阻塞性能。
The AON product is only the latest proposed antidote to this reputation anxiety but it does shed interesting light on the effectiveness of suave reputation managers and their adrenalin-fuelled partners, the crisis managers. 怡安的产品,只是为这种声誉焦虑症而炮制的最新解毒剂,但它的确饶有趣味地展示了彬彬有礼的声誉经理和肾上腺素满满的危机经理们的效力。
Aon is and will remain a huge supporter of the Lloyd's and London market and we have a significant operation in the heart of London. 怡安集团不论是现在还是未来都是劳合社以及伦敦市场的巨大支持者,我们在伦敦的核心地带有着重要的业务。
Photonic switching is a key technology in the future All Optical Network ( AON). 光交换技术是未来全光网络(AON)中的关键技术。
Study aon development of the fitment in China 关于中国家具的发展与研究
AllOptical Networks ( AON) now is a hot research topics of optical fiber communication. 全光网络是目前光通信研究的热点。
Research on AON Adaptation Layer Technology and Blocking Performance 全光网适配层技术及阻塞性能研究
All optical network ( AON) and wavelength division Multiplexing ( WDM) are the foreland of network research all over the field, their integration all optical WDM network is the hotspot. 全光通信网和波分复用技术是目前国内外网络技术研究的前沿,尤其是将两者结合起来的全光波分复用网络更是研究的热点。
Some of key semiconductor optoelectronic devices in AON and their developing trend is discussed. 在诸多的光电子器件中,论文仅对AON中某些关键的半导体光电子器件的重要性和发展趋势予以评论。
In recent years, a focus on the study of optical fiber communication is All Optical Network ( AON), and it is the necessarily developing result for optical network. 近年来全光通信网(AON)成为光通信领域的一个研究热点,也是未来光网络发展的必然趋势。AON的关键技术主要包括光交换/光路由、光交叉连接、波长变换以及光缓存等。
The background of all-optical networks based on wavelength-division multiplexing is briefly analyzed in this paper, and the basic concepts and advantages of AON are introduced. 介绍了波分复用全光网络的产生原因,以及全光网络的概念和优势。
All-Optical Network ( AON) can realize the transfer, switch, route and error recovery of high speed info-stream. 全光网(AON,all-opticalnetwork)能在光域上实现高速信息流的传输、交换、路由和故障恢复等功能。
With the development of optical fiber network, it makes a higher requirement of photonic devices. All optical network ( AON) will be the main physical carrier in the future, the development of photonic devices will be the key technology to realize AON. 随着光纤网的渗透,对光子器件提出了更高的要求,全光通信网将是未来信息高速公路的主要物理载体,光子器件的发展是实现全光网的关键。
The progress of optical devices determines the development stage of the All Optical Network ( AON), which is the necessary development trend of the optical communication network. 光通信网络发展的必然趋势是全光网,全光网的发展水平取决于光器件的进展。
Photonic switching technology is the essential precondition of the implement of key functions of AON, and it is also the hotspot of research and development of communication companies. 光交换技术是真正实现全光网关键性功能的必要前提,也是目前国内外光通讯器件厂商研究和开发的热点。
This simplified method enriched the AON multi-dependency network. 此种简化的求解方法丰富了搭接网络的内容。
Passive Optical Network ( PON) and Active Optical Network ( AON) are two kinds of technologies that can be used to construct the Optical Access Network. 当前用于实现光接入网的技术主要有两种:无源光网络技术PON和有源光网络技术AON。