The plan is proceeding apace, with another 13 superstores opened in the first half of this year. 该计划进展迅速,在今年上半年又增开了13家大型超市。
This kind of grass grows apace. 这种草长得很快。
Despite no major disease outbreaks so far in quake-hit regions, health and epidemic prevention efforts continue apace. 请看《中国日报》的报道:虽然地震灾区还没有爆发重大疾病,卫生防疫工作还是在迅速进行当中。
Economic integration continues apace as ties spanning advanced and rising economies are overlaid with expanding trade and investment between emerging nations. 经济一体化仍在快速推进,除了发达经济体与新兴经济体之间的纽带外,新兴国家之间的贸易和投资也在不断扩大。
This shows that financial development has indeed proceeded apace, notably in advanced countries. 该指标表明,金融发展确实在加快,特别是在发达国家。
If the trend continues apace, New York might soon be able to make a similar claim. 如果这个趋势继续快速发展下去,纽约或许很快也能与伦敦并驾齐驱了。
As China and India become more integrated in the world economy and the international division of labour proceeds apace, it is also having an increasingly important influence on social cohesion. 当中国与印度越来越多地融入全球经济,及国际分工迅速发展之际,教育对社会凝聚力的影响越来越重要。
We will need even more constitutional guidance from the Supreme Court as globalization continues apace. 随着全球化进程的加速,我认为更需要最高法院的宪法引导。
Yet investment in the future continues apace. 然而,对未来的投资正飞快地继续着。
Even as pundits continue to weigh up the renminbi, debating the 'IFS' and 'buts' and worrying about market bubbles and slowing Chinese growth, the currency is being adopted apace, driven by real business demand. 尽管专家们仍在权衡使用人民币的利弊、争论各种“如果”和“但是”的情形、担心市场泡沫和中国经济增长放缓,但在实际商业需求的推动下,人民币正迅速被市场接纳。
But as long as the economy continues to grow apace, it will need aluminium. 但只要经济持续高速发展,中国就需要铝。
The debate remained unresolved, although the decline of US newspapers and news magazines continued apace. 这场争论仍悬而未决,尽管美国报纸和新闻杂志的数量继续疾速下降。
As anyone living in London can tell you, capital flight continues apace. 在伦敦,随便问一个人,他都能告诉你,俄罗斯的资本外逃正在加速。
Kings of armies did flee apace: and she that tarried at home divided the spoil. 统兵的君王逃跑了,逃跑了。在家等候的妇女,分受所夺的。
Until then, the demise of public goods and services will continue apace. 在此之前,公共物品和服务将继续快速消减。
The night crept on apace, the moon went down, the stars grew pale and dim. 夜进行得很快,月亮落下去了,星光变得灰白黯淡了。
All sorts of demand of network user always are being satisfied by apace. 网络用户的各种需求总是被快速地满足着。
In other sectors also, particularly mineral resources, Chinese companies have continued to invest apace. 中国企业还在其它领域特别是矿产资源方面继续大举投资。
The UN embargo was left in place and the slaughter continued apace. 在联合国继续实行禁运的同时,屠杀迅速地继续进行。
Jack's habits are slovenly and like ill weeds grow apace. 杰克的习惯是不修边幅,这一习惯就像莠草一样总比庄稼长得快。
In the next two years his affairs crumbled apace. 在以后的两年中他的事业急速地崩溃了。
This may involve the transition from one phase to another, or the apace or disappearance of a phase. 这可能涉及到从一个相到另一相的相变,或一个相的迅速生成或消失。
Not only have the emergency services performed heroics, the clean-up has proceeded apace. 不仅紧急服务表现出色,清理工作也进展神速。
I sat down and saw the box and dice go round apace. 我坐下看骰子在盘子里迅速地转动着。
And as globalisation continues apace, it is not protectionism but trade-and competition-that will be the main drivers of productivity, growth and economic development. 随着全球一体化的加剧,所需的并不是贸易保护主义,而是贸易-和竞争-这些将是生产力、持续增长和经济发展的主要驱动力。
The development of complex function theory proceeded apace in the latter part of the nineteenth century. 十九世纪后期,复函数的理论迅速地发展。
Integration of the world economy has also proceeded apace. 全球经济一体化进程也得到迅猛发展。
The decline in computer science continued apace, however. 然而,计算机科学专业的人数仍继续迅速下降。
The business has been growing apace for the last year, a wonderful success in these hard times. 去年以来,买卖日益兴旺,在目前的艰难时期这是了不起的成功。