Chimpanzees and gorillas are both apes. 黑猩猩和大猩猩都是类人猿。
Monkeys and apes spend a great deal of time grooming one another's fur. 猿猴花费大量时间互相梳理身上的皮毛。
Pollen vectors among animals are apes, lemurs, indian bears. 动物中传粉媒介有猿、狐猿、印度熊。
Apes, monkeys and orangutans are higher animals, but they can't make tools. 猿、猴子、猩猩虽然是高等动物,但它们都不会制造工具。
His brain is like evolved or sth, it's like planet of the apes. 它们的脑袋进化了,就像人猿星球里一样。
In this case, the animals were lemurs – a type of primate related to monkeys and apes. 在此项案例中,被实验的动物是狐猴,这是一种与猴子,猿有关的灵长目动物。
I think its right up there with "Planet of the Apes". 我觉得唯一能与之媲美的是《人猿星球》。
Eight apes ate eight apples. 八个猿猴儿吃了八个苹果。
Discovery is expected to lead to new drugs for treatment of certain viral hemorrhagic fevers in humans and apes. 这项发现有希望产生治疗人和猿某些病毒性出血热的新药。
There are193 living species of monkeys and apes. 全球现存193种猴子和猿类。
Hypothetical organism formerly thought to be intermediate between apes and human beings. 原来认为是介于猿和人之间的假设生物体。
How do we know that humans evolved from apes? 我们怎么知道人类是从猿进化来的?
Considered a possible ancestor to both anthropoid apes and humans. 被认为是类人猿及人类的可能的祖先。
Apes are not only fascinating to man, but are also helpful in many of his scientific studies. 对人类来说,无尾猿不仅魅力无穷,而且在人类的许多科学研究中大有用场。
Another important trait that apes share with man and other primates is the opposable thumb. 与人类和其他灵长目动物共有的另一个重要特征是,无尾猿有与其他手指相对的大拇指。
The gorilla is the largest of the apes. 大猩猩是猿类中最大的一种。
If people evolved from apes, why are there still apes? 如果人类是从猿猴进化而来,为什么还有猿猴?
The great apes are our closest relatives. 类人猿是和我们最最亲密的亲戚。
Generally speaking, they are "intermediate" in some aspects between apes and men. 一般说来,他们在某些方面是介乎猿和人之间的中间环节。
What separates us from the apes might just be practice. 我们人类和猿的区别可能仅仅在于实践。
An animal order including lemurs and tarsiers and monkeys and apes and human beings. 动物的一个目,包含狐猴眼镜猴猴子猿及人类。
Any member of the suborder Anthropoidea including monkeys and apes and hominids. 猿科动物亚目中的成员,包括猴子、猿和原人。
I and they quarreled and almost hit, because they have said you like monkeys, apes and others say you like too much! 我和他们吵了起来,还差点打起来,因为他们有的说你像猴子,有的说你像猩猩,实在太过分了!
Monkeys, apes and humans are all anthropoids. 猴子、猿类和人类是近亲。
Orangutans are great apes that live in coastal jungles on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra. 猩猩是住在婆罗洲岛和苏门答腊岛上沿海丛林中的大猿猴。
That is when orangutans and other great apes last had a common ancestor. 那是猩猩和其他大猿猴共有一个祖先的最后时间段。
Scientists believe that humans evolved from apes and monkeys. 科学家相信人类是从猿猴进化而来的。