Optimization of bone marrow mononuclear cell apheresis procedure 优化骨髓单个核细胞分离技术的分析
Study of the bone marrow mononuclear cell apheresis procedure and clinical applications 骨髓单个核细胞分离技术研究及临床应用
Effect of Blood Routine Indexes and Physiological Conditions of Blood Donors on Apheresis Platelet Quality 献血者血常规指标及生理状况对机采血小板质量的影响
The objective of this study was to explore the changes of aggregation function of apheresis platelets and soluble P-selectin ( sP-selectin) during storage. 本研究探讨保存期内的机采血小板的聚集功能和可溶性P-选择蛋白含量的改变。
Study on Pathogen Inactivation of Apheresis Platelet Concentrates Using Riboflavin and Light and Influence on the Platelet Functional Activity 核黄素光化学法灭活单采血小板悬液中病原体的实验研究及其对血小板活性影响的探讨
Clinical study of bacterial 16s rRNA gene detection in apheresis platelets 机采血小板细菌16SRRNA基因检测的临床研究
Establishment of a Method for Quantitating Leukocyte Fragments in Apheresis Platelet Concentrates and Analysis of Influential Factors Relevant to Its Content 机采血小板中白细胞碎片定量检测方法的建立及其含量相关影响因素分析
Quantitating of Cell-Free DNA in Apheresis Platelet Concentrates and Analysis of Its Influential Factors 机采血小板中游离DNA含量的测定及影响因素分析
Analysis and prevention of blood donation reaction with apheresis platelet 机采血小板献血不良反应原因分析及防治
Discussion on Correlation of Apheresis Platelet and Prevention of Thrombotic Cardio-cerebro Vascular Diseases 机采血小板与血栓性心脑血管疾病预防的相关性探讨
This study was aimed to investigate the effect of leukocyte depletion by filtration on the quality of apheresis platelets. 本研究旨在评价白细胞滤除对机采血小板整体质量的影响。
Apheresis Platelets Stored in Platelet Additive Solutions: Aspects on in Vitro Quality 血小板添加液保存血小板的体外质量研究
Objective To investigate the effects of personal film intervention in the apheresis platelet donors on anxiety and pain caused by vein phlebotomy during donating. 目的研究用捐血者个人喜爱的影视片干预减轻机采血小板捐献者在捐血过程中焦虑、血压、心率及静脉穿刺疼痛的作用。
The Effect of Leukocyte Depletion by Filtration on the Quality of Apheresis Platelets 白细胞滤除对机采血小板质量的影响研究
Double Apheresis Platelet's Quality and Effectors of Collection Efficiency 双份机采血小板质量和采集效率及影响因素
Evaluation of efficiency of platelet collection with blood component apheresis separator made in China 国产血细胞分离机采集血小板效果观察
Concurrent Apheresis of Packed Red Blood Cells and Platelet Concentrates Collected by MCS+ and Quality Assays of Products MCS+机型红细胞+血小板成分的同时采集和产品质量分析
Activation of Random-Donor Platelet Concentrates and Platelet Prepared from Random-Donor Apheresis Collections during Storage 单独采集血小板和浓缩血小板在保存期中的活化情况
Conclusion Personal film intervention can alleviate anxiety and ache significantly for apheresis platelet donors and have a positive influence on blood pressure and heart rate. 结论观看影视片可以明显减轻机采血小板捐献者捐血过程中的焦虑及疼痛反应,且对捐献者的血压、心率有正性影响。
CD62p expression and ADP induced re-expression in platelet apheresis concentrates after long-term cryopreservation at-80 ℃ 机采浓缩血小板-80℃长期冻存条件下CD62p表达与ADP诱导的再表达
Clinical assessment of fresh apheresis platelets transfusion and frozen apheresis platelets transfusion 机采新鲜血小板与新鲜冰冻血小板的临床应用疗效分析
Clinical observation of the plasma exchange and lymphocyte apheresis with VAD regimen chemotherapy in multiple myeloma 血浆淋巴细胞置换术联合VAD方案化疗治疗多发性骨髓瘤的临床观察
Conclusions The frozen apheresis platelets can be used in rescuing the patients with haemorrhagic diseases induced by platelets deficiency. 结论机采新鲜冰冻血小板可以用于抢救由于血小板减少导致的出血性疾病。
The Nursing for Apheresis Platelet Donors 无偿机采血小板捐献者的护理
Conclusion: Prestorage leucocyte filtration is effective in reducing the generation of ( chemokines) in stored apheresis platelets, thus it could be effectively prevent side effects after platelets transfusion. 结论:保存前白细胞过滤能有效减少单采血小板保存过程中趋化性细胞因子含量,因此能有效地预防单采血小板输注后的副反应。
Methods: Nursing interventions were taken on the apheresis platelet donors during the whole platelet collection procedure. 方法:对无偿机采血小板捐献者在全献血过程适时实施护理干预。
Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy of matched apheresis platelet by cross matching test. 目的探讨经血小板交叉配合试验的配合单采血小板的临床输注效果。
The study of the enforcement method of young red blood apheresis 年轻红细胞单采实施方法研究
Different is, advance stress peak as the depth increases with the increase of the height of, apheresis decreases. 3. 不同的是,超前应力峰值随着埋深的增大而增大,随着机采高度的增大反而减小。