The whole cast executed the production with truly professional aplomb. 全体演职人员以一种真正的专业精神,从容不迫地开始了影片的制作。
Again she made it down the course, though not with the aplomb and grace of most other racers. 她再次滑上赛道,不过没有大多数其他参赛者的镇定与优雅。
It hosted the G20 summit with aplomb. 这届政府满怀自信地承办了20国集团(G20)峰会。
It was a high-wire act that Thain pulled off with aplomb. 这是一个高空走钢丝的危险行为,但塞恩冷静地完成了。
The important thing is to handle it with aplomb. 重要的是要用自信和沉着冷静去应对它。
I am now the Headmaster, and on my aplomb depends the future well-being of the Archeology Guild. 现在我成为了会长,并且我沉稳的性格将确保考古学公会有美好的未来。
The frequency and the aplomb, with which we think of being healthy, are worrisome indeed! 频率和沉着,在我们认为是健康的,确实令人担忧!
When he sticks to science journalism, Joseph is a lively tour guide, introducing readers to Mayan shamans and Russian scientists with equal aplomb. 当他坚持科学新闻,约瑟夫是一个活泼的导游,介绍读者玛雅巫师和俄罗斯科学家平等沉着。
You move through each day with grace and aplomb. 祝您的每一天都这样美丽而安详。
So that wasn't the case of being filled with aplomb or anything. I just think today was a bad day for me. 所以失利并不意味着我过于自信了,只是今天我不太走运罢了。
With aplomb, embracing variations, adjusting apace, you could pave a golden path. 沉着淡定、拥抱变化、疾速调整,走出一条金光路途。
She delivered the talk with a reat aplomb. 她从容地发了言。
They especially Chinese politicians and to get a new performance stage, the donation at the same time with aplomb show compassion and mercy. 他们特别是中国的政治家们又喜出望外地得到了一个新的表演舞台,挥霍着捐款的同时挥洒自如地表现着慈悲和怜悯。
He delivered the speech with his usual aplomb. 他以惯常的沉着语气作了演讲。
She performs the duties of a princess with great aplomb. 她泰然自若地履行王妃的职责。
That is a pity, he adds, because brands that conduct themselves with aplomb on social networks offering relevant input when appropriate, but more often simply taking careful note of the feedback they are offered have much to gain. 他补充说,这样做很可惜,因为在社交网络上行为沉着自若的品牌在适当的时候提供相关的信息,但更多时候只是仔细听取反馈会有很大的收获。
Julia Roberts acquits herself with some aplomb using art history ( as Robin Williams once used poetry) to widen the girls'horizons. 茱莉亚罗拔丝充满自信,以美术史(罗宾威廉斯则以诗)扩阔女孩们的视野。
The part turned out to be that of growling, ill-tempered lawyer Ling Woo, which Liu filled with such aplomb that she was signed on as a regular cast member. 部分原来是到着,坐立不安暴躁律师灵胡刘其中充满挥洒自如,她签订了正规投下会员。
It is true that Lula inherited a fiscal crisis and handled it with determination and aplomb. 卢拉当时的确接手了一场财政危机,处理得沉着而且果断。
He did so, moreover, with a nearly messianic fervor and aplomb. 并且,他以近乎救世主般的热情与沉着来做这些事。
Except for a quick squirt of guano, she maintained aplomb as Slager and senior aquarist Julia Mariottini pushed her through the hallway, onto the elevator and down to the second floor. 当斯拉格和水族馆的管理人朱利亚。玛里奥替尼把她推到下到二层表演大厅的电梯上时,除了喷出一点鸟粪,玛卡娜尽量保持镇定。
Host seen standing only a few clouds between the sensational dance, like a group of outstanding dancers like aplomb. Usually the dancers are in pairs, and the number is limited. 只见数只仙鹤站立行云之间,对舞煽情,宛如一群出色的舞蹈家般挥洒自如。
Steven Slater isn't the only disgruntled employee to quit with aplomb this week. 史蒂芬•斯莱特不是这周唯一一个因对公司不满而沉着冷静地辞职的雇员。
It adopt numerical control system and linkage with three axes, two sides milling at same time with aplomb upright milling cutter at a batch plate tensile sample. 采用数控系统,通过三轴联动,在一个批量的板状试样上,用垂直立铣刀的方式,双面同时铣削。
Another from courtyard body inferno out, line, the spiritual dancing aplomb style, this kind of picture generally coloring and elegant. 另一种是从院体脱胎而出,线条遒劲飞舞、挥洒自如的风格,这种画一般设色淡雅。
Only to have extensive and professional knowledge, history teachers can operate from a strategically advantageous position in teaching, and make teaching filled with such aplomb, and integrate various branches knowledge to enrich their teaching content. 历史教师只有具备广博的专业知识,才能在教学中高屋建瓴,才能在自己的课堂教学中挥洒自如,才能使各科知识融会贯通,才能使自己的教学内容充实。