ADJ-GRADED 表示歉意的;认错的;愧疚的 If you are apologetic, you show or say that you are sorry for causing trouble for someone, for hurting them, or for disappointing them.
The hospital staff were very apologetic but that couldn't really compensate... 医院的工作人员深表歉意,但这真的于事无补。
They were almost apologetic about the improvements they'd made... 对于他们所做的改进,他们简直感到愧疚。
'I don't follow football,' she said with an apologetic smile. “我不懂足球,”她歉然一笑道。
The hospital staff were very apologetic but that couldn't really compensate 医院的工作人员深表歉意,但这真的于事无补。
They were almost apologetic about the improvements they'd made 对于他们所做的改进,他们简直感到愧疚。
'I don't follow football,' she said with an apologetic smile. “我不懂足球,”她歉然一笑道。
He smiled in an awkward almost apologetic way. 他笑得很尴尬,几乎象在道歉。
But, it is strange, this apologetic tone to the letter. 但是很奇怪,信里的语气充满歉意。
After viewing the clips in which Clinton seemed apologetic, the subjects said they liked him more but respected him less. 看过克林顿似乎表示歉意的短片后,研究对象们表示,他们更喜欢他了,但对他的尊敬减少了。
Recognizing who the customer was, the manager was most apologetic and reprimanded the assistant severely. 经理认出顾客是谁,所以赔了一千个不是,并狠狠地斥责了店员。
Even when Mr Obama has been unambiguously apologetic, his opponents often quote him out of context. 甚至在奥巴马清楚无误地表示歉意的时候,他的反对者常常也是对他的话断章取义。
I had detected an apologetic note in his voice. 我听出他的声音里带有悔意。
After a few minutes I was disturbed from my reverie by a small apologetic cough. 几分钟后,一声细微、带着歉意的咳嗽,把我从幻想中拉了回来。
The shop assistant was very apologetic when I told him he'd miscounted my change. 当我告诉那个商店营业员他找错了我钱时,他非常歉然。
As I reproached him, he heard me in silence, gave me finally an apologetic smile. 当我责备他的时候,他静静听著,最后报以道歉的微笑。
As I write these words, I have just had an unprecedentedly helpful and apologetic e-mail from EasyJet saying that I am going to get my money in three weeks. 当我写到这里时,我刚刚收到EasyJet一封前所未有地有帮助而且充满歉意的电子邮件。信中说,我将在3周内拿回我的钱。
But once I am inside my tailor's I immediately begin to feel apologetic. 然而一旦进了我的裁缝店,我立马满心歉意。
She was so apologetic about forgetting my birthday it was almost embarrassing. 她对忘记我生日一事道歉再三,反倒令人感到尴尬。
He made a little apologetic gesture with both hands. 他两手一摊,打了个表示歉意的手势。
He had been apologetic about his behaviour at dinner. 他就自己晚餐时的行为认了错。
He was very apologetic. 他已表示十分道歉了。
"We are learning," says Mr Zhou, with an apologetic smile. “我们正在学习”,周大使说,带着抱歉的微笑。
For that, we are deeply apologetic. 为此,我们做出深深的道歉。
He was very apologetic for being late. 他对迟到深表歉意。
She was apologetic for not keeping her promise. 她对自己未能遵守诺言表示歉意。
Vida was indignant; Carol was apologetic; they talked for another hour. 维达听了很生气;卡萝尔连忙赔礼道歉;她们两人又继续谈了一钟头。
And I would rather not feel apologetic about it. 而且我不会为此而感到愧悔。
He was deeply apologetic about his behavior. 他对他的行为深深感到抱歉。
"Coming, Mama!" She threw Cal an apologetic glance and went quickly inside. “就来,妈妈!”她歉意而瞥了一眼卡巴顿,赶快进屋里去了。
She was very apologetic and I can hear fine now! 她对这件事非常歉疚,不过我现在的听力很好!
Unwilling to make or express an apology; not feeling apologetic. 不愿道歉的不愿道歉或表达歉意的;不感抱歉的。
This is the way all damage shields work. in an apologetic and self-defensive manner. 这是所有伤害性防护罩的作用方式。以辩护的、自我防卫的方式。
I think it is about as good as any Christian apologetic work out on the market. 我认为这是对基督教媲美任何歉疚出对市场造成的影响。