This was not, however, the only stupor which the apparitions and the disappearances of the past had left in his mind. 再说过去的种种事物的出现和消逝并不是他思想里惟一感到惊奇的。
There used to be a swarm of these small apparitions, in holiday time; and we called them children of the Lord of Misrule. 那时候,每逢节日,常有成群的这种小精灵,我们都把他们叫作司戏者③的孩子。
In some places destroyed by the tsunami, people have reported seeing ghostly apparitions queuing outside supermarkets which are now only rubble. 在遭到海啸破坏的一些地区,有民众报告说看到鬼魂在已经变成废墟的超市外面排队。
Visitors have claimed to have seen apparitions and heard footsteps coming from empty rooms, and doors and windows will sometimes open by themselves. 游客称看见了幽灵,听到空房间里传来脚步声,以及门和窗户有时自动打开。
The most famous tells of Jonathan Koons, a poor farmer who was instructed by ghosts to build a "spirit room" in which apparitions would then manifest and communicate with him from beyond the grave. 有个最著名传说讲一个贫穷农夫乔纳森·坤斯,受到鬼魂的指使修建了一个‘灵室’,在这里鬼魂会从地底下显灵并与他交流。
Many people have reported seeing apparitions of both shadowy strangers and departed loved ones. 很多人都报告说看到过影子般陌生人和逝去亲人的幻影。
All the apparitions are ancients. 所有的幻影都是古人。
It closed under the gaoler's hand; and the apparitions vanished from his sight for ever. 铁栅门在典狱长手下关上了,幽灵们从此在他眼里永远消失。
Tormented by nightmares and the hallucinations, Jung-Won is desperate to find out about the apparitions that haunt him and solicits Yun to help him. 倍受恶梦和幻觉的折磨,正元离家去找?他的鬼魂,并恳求娟帮他。
He claimed to have seen strange apparitions at night. 他说在晚上曾见过奇怪的幽灵。
Inhabited by or as if by apparitions. 被鬼怪或者好像被鬼怪所占据。
A born skeptic, Jeremy travels to the small town of Boone Creek, North Carolina, determined to find the real cause behind the ghostly apparitions that appear in the town cemetery. 杰里米天生就是怀疑论者,于是他决定去北卡罗莱的布恩克里克小镇,找出隐藏在古墓鬼影背后的真正原因。
The snows of northern Finland turn evergreens into frozen apparitions. 芬兰北部的冰雪把常绿植树变成了冻结的幽灵。
I actually have an aunt who could see apparitions. 我也有一个阿姨能看见幽灵的。