The dairyman, who had thrown himself into abstraction to better realize the taste, and so divine the particular species of noxious weed to which it appertained, suddenly exclaimed 奶牛场老板聚精会神地在那儿品味着黄油的味道,想分辨出造成这种怪异味道的是一种什么莠草,过了一会儿他突然大声说
To escape the past and all that appertained thereto was to annihilate it, and to do that she would have to get away. 逃避过去和逃避跟过去有关的一切,就是要把过去和过去的一切消除掉,要做到这一点,她就一定得离开这里。
They, and all that appertained to them, went down alive into the pit, and the earth closed upon them: and they perished from among the congregation. 这样,他们和一切属他们的,都活活地坠落阴间。地口在他们上头照旧合闭,他们就从会中灭亡。