Everyone was on their feet applauding wildly. 每个人都站起身来热烈鼓掌。
Hospital staff were outside to welcome him, waving flags and applauding 医院的工作人员都在外面一边挥动旗子一边鼓掌欢迎他。
All the audience are applauding for the wonderful performance. 观众为精彩的表演鼓掌。
Her story has set off a national debate about the very meaning of racial identity, with some people applauding her message and goals and others deploring her methods and actions. 她的故事在全美国引发了有关种族身份的争论,一些人赞同她所传达的信息和目标,其他人则谴责她的方式和行为。
It was a perfect day and there we were, my wife and I, applauding, cheering and then, as always, photographing Will and all his friends as they left the high school field. 那是完美的一天,我和妻子都在现场鼓掌、欢呼,并且接下来如往常一般,为将要结束高中生活的维尔和他的朋友们拍照。
And some flying traditions, such as applauding when a plane lands, are just annoying, he notes. 他还说,某些飞行惯例,比如在飞机着陆时鼓掌,实在是令人讨厌。
But, according to Duggan, applauding progress and celebrating milestones at work is not about that supposed sense of entitlement. 但达根认为,赞扬工作中的进步和里程碑事件,与所谓权利意识无关。
Like you were applauding him. 感觉好象你在为他鼓掌加油。
When master arrived, people rose to their feet applauding heartily, and the atmosphere teemed with excitement. 当师父抵达会场时,来宾们皆起立鼓掌欢迎,热烈之情溢于言表。
Instead, I found myself facing an auditorium of about two hundred students applauding me. 出乎意料,我发现我走进的是一个礼堂,这里有大约200名学生在鼓掌向我致意。
I hope you join me in applauding their presence here. 我希望你们能和我一样欢迎他们的出席。
Everyone else came trailing behind, singing and applauding. 所有别的人唱着歌,拍着手,缓缓地跟随在后。
The man weeping in solitude with his son back in a man's room is now applauding only for himself among the mass of walking crowd. 那个在洗手间和儿子孤独抽泣的人,如今却在涌动的人潮中为自己鼓掌喝彩;
I know she's still with us in spirit and is smiling and applauding and dancing with joy about YOU! 我知道她的精神依然与我们同在,她依然用微笑、喝彩、和舞蹈与我们永远相伴。
We are not going to spend the rest of the season sitting back and applauding Juventus. 在剩余的比赛中,我们不会去很放松的和仅仅称赞尤文图斯的表现。
The entire hall was applauding. 整个大厅的人都在鼓掌。
The people bust out applauding. 人们突然鼓掌欢迎。
The audience showed its approval by applauding. 观众鼓掌以示赞许。
Then many people already gathered around, some of whom began applauding and cheering. 此时周围已聚集了数百名围观群众,众人无不拍手叫好。
At the end they would not stop applauding until Johnny cleared his throat to sing another song. 在最后,他们不停鼓掌,直到约翰尼清清他的喉咙唱另一首歌为止。
Research by Jeremy Bulow and Paul Klemperer shows that in such circumstances, the rational strategy is for all but two to stop applauding almost immediately. 杰里米•布洛(JeremyBulow)和保罗•克伦佩雷尔(PaulKlemperer)的研究表明,在这种情况下,理性的策略是,除了两个人以外,所有人几乎都立刻停止鼓掌。
After reading this story, I could not help applauding for his safety awareness. 读罢这则报道,我不禁为这位美国代表的“我要安全”的意识而鼓掌喝彩。
The audience showed its approval by applauding. She smiled approbation. 观众鼓掌以示赞许。她微笑着表示赞许。
The person applauding for others is cheering for one's own life too. 为别人鼓掌的人也是在给自己的生命加油。
The public was applauding in the concert hall. 大家都在音乐会门厅中拍手喝采。
They are the pioneers most worth applauding. 他们是最值得称赞的开拓者。
The passion they have is worth applauding, but whether other young people follow their path is still an open question. 他们的热情值得称赞,但是其他年轻人是否会走他们的路仍然是一个有争论的问题。
A new generation of unveiled women in Iran; applauding the unveiled statue of Winston Churchill. 伊朗新一代不蒙面的女性;拍手喝彩温斯顿.丘吉尔移开面罩的雕像。
When they started applauding me in the great halls of Old Country, he got worried. 当人们开始在他的故国的大厅里对我喝彩时,他就感到担忧了。
I imagined myself on a stage with people applauding me. 想像着自己在舞台上,观众向我鼓掌。