小(应用)程序;(网页上的)小程序 An applet is a computer program which is contained within a page on the World Wide Web, and which transfers itself to your computer and runs automatically while you are looking at that Web page.
This version also saw the addition of a new static method, java. applet. Applet. newAudioClip(), which made it easier to use sound in applications, not just in applets. 这个版本中还附加了新的静态方法java.applet.Applet.newAudioClip(),它使得在应用程序中使用声音更加容易,而不仅仅在applet中。
The Application layer also includes applets, which are GUI components that execute in Web browsers. 应用程序层也包括applet,即在Web浏览器中执行的GUI组件。
Also, note that it's essential to use the same hostname for both the HOST parameter and the source address; the security model of Java applets essentially requires this. 另外,还要注意HOST参数和源地址要使用相同的主机名;Javaapplet的安全模型必须要求这样做。
Next, update the./ include/ applets. h file to include your new command. 接下来需要更新./include/applets.h文件,使其包含这个新命令。
For dynamic applications, it's even possible to export Processing applications as Java ™ applets for use in Web environments. 对于动态应用程序,甚至可以将Processing应用程序作为Java™applet导出以用在Web环境内。
As deployment units for components, applets, or plug-ins 作为组件、applet或者插件程序的部署单位
CDC applications are Xlets, which have a managed life cycle like applets, servlets ( in enterprise Java technology), or MIDlets ( in mobile Java technology). CDC应用程序是Xlet,它与applet、servlet(在企业Java技术方面)、MIDlet(在移动Java技术方面)一样具有托管生命周期。
For easy navigation through the site, additional navigation applets are executed. 要对站点进行简单导航,附加的导航小应用程序便会执行。
Here you can see the different major classes of applications ( applets) that you can configure for BusyBox. 在这里我们应该可以看到可以为BusyBox配置的不同类型的应用程序(applet)。
There might be a slight confusion of the differences between applications and applets for Java Web Start and the Java Plug-In among users. 在用户中也许有点关于JavaWebStart和Java插件的应用程序与applet间的不同之处的困惑。
The security model associated with applets normally does not allow this. 与applet相关的安全模型通常不允许这样做。
At first, the user interface for Java was conceived mostly as applets embedded in Web browsers. 起先,主要考虑将Java用户界面作为applet,嵌入到Web浏览器中。
Applets are often a good technology for construction of applications destined for end-users. 对于构造针对最终用户的应用程序,applet通常是一种好技术。
The JMF is an API for incorporating audio, video, and other time-based media into Java applications and applets. JMF是一种API,可以将音频、视频和其它基于时间的媒体整合到Java应用程序和applet中。
The Java platform was traditionally intended for running mobile code such as applets. Java平台传统上是用来运行移动代码的,如applet。
As I mentioned earlier, applets are designed with certain security limitations, one of which is the inability to access a server other than the one from which the applet was originally downloaded. 前面已经提到,applet在设计时有一些安全性限制,其中之一就是不能访问服务器,但是不包括最初下载applet的服务器。
Writing directly to these classes, applications and applets can generate output on the IBM I spool system. 通过直接向这些类写入数据,应用程序和applets可以在IBMi后台打印系统上生成输出。
This included a scripting language that was added to the HTML language, JavaScript,( which was created independently from Java) and Java applets that could be downloaded as part of an HTML page. 其中包括一种能够添加到HTML语言中的脚本语言JavaScript(独立于Java创建的),以及可包含在HTML页中进行下载的Javaapplet。
The classes can be used by Java applets, servlets, and applications to easily access IBM I data and resources. Javaapplets、servlets和应用程序可以使用这些类轻松访问IBMi数据和资源。
The Java Speech API allows developers to incorporate speech technology into user interfaces for Java applets and applications. JavaSpeechAPI允许开发人员将语音技术整合到Javaapplet和应用程序的用户界面中。
The benefit here has to do with poor rendering of embedded Java applets for certain browsers. 因为某些浏览器无法很好地呈现嵌入的JavaApplet,所以这样做是有好处的。
These settings allow you to control access by Java applets and JavaScript scripts. 这些设置可以用于控制Java小应用程序和JavaScript脚本的访问权限。
Java has the capability to produce multimedia as Applets. Java也有按小应用程序生成多媒体的能力。
Because the applets are so much smaller than conventional programs, they don't take forever to download. 由于小应用程序比常规程序小得多,故下载不需很多时间。
Are you sure that you want to delete the XX privileges for all applets and scripts from? 您确实想要删除中的所有小应用程序和脚本的XX特权吗?
This caused an additional classloading hit while simultaneously preventing precompiled scripts from working in environments where bytecode generation was forbidden ( like applets or Android). 这会在同步防止预编译脚本在禁止字节码生成的环境(例如Applet或Android)中工作时造成额外的类加载命中。
Remember this decision for all applets and scripts from XX 对XX中的所有小应用程序和脚本记住此决定
Originally released in1997 Java Card technology is designed to allow smart cards, security tokens and other devices with very limited memory to run Java applets. 诞生于1997年的JavaCard技术旨在让智能卡、安全令牌及其他内存受限设备能够运行JavaApplet。
On the right pane of the policy menu, double-click hide specified control panel applets policy. 在“策略”菜单的右窗格中,双击“隐藏指定的控制面板程序”策略。
A ground-up rewrite was necessary to make applets as powerful as applications launched via Java Web Start. 只有彻底重写才能让applet象JavaWebStart应用一样强大。