The state properly apportions accumulation and consumption, concerns itself with the interests of the collective and the individual as well as of the state and, on the basis of expanded production, gradually improves the material and cultural life of the people. 国家合理安排积累和消费,兼顾国家、集体和个人的利益,在发展生产的基础上,逐步改善人民的物质生活和文化生活。
The court compares the relative negligence of the parties and apportions recovery on that basis. 法院衡量各方的疏忽程度来决定各方承担补偿的比例。
Or is all apportions the matter the subordinate is idle, or is firmly all grasps all matters inside might as well gets down in hand. 要不就是把事情都分给手下人无所事事,要不就是牢牢把所有事情都抓在手里不妨下去。
The recording of depreciation expense is an adjusting entry which apportions a recorded cost. 记录折旧费用是一笔将已入账的成本进行分摊的调整分录。
This device apportions braking action over all four wheels to prevent locking and ensure full control of the car under all conditions. 此设备摊派制动对所有四个车轮行动,以防止锁定,并确保在所有情况下对汽车的完全控制。
The first chapter discusses the concept of operation cost of a transportation ship, its structures, characters, apportions, and describes its arising environment and growth tendency. 第一章主要讨论营运船舶运输成本,对船舶运输成本的概念、结构、性质与分摊、成本细分进行了分析,从宏观上阐明了船舶运输成本的生存环境和生长趋势;
While joint and several liability makes each defendant the effective cause of the entire loss suffered by a plaintiff, proportionate liability apportions liability according to the degree of fault of each defendant. 在连带责任制下,每一个被告人要对原告的所有损失负责,比例责任制是根据每个被告人不同的过错程度分摊责任。