The arbitration tribunal may consult experts or appoint appraisers for the clarification of special questions relating to the cases. 仲裁庭可以就案件中的专门问题请专家咨询或者指定鉴定人进行鉴定。
Hospitals and their appraisers appointed by the provincial people's government according to law; 省人民政府依法指定的医院及其鉴定人;
I'm looking into some crooked home appraisers. 我在查一些不老实的估价公司。
Nomological Analysis and Systematic Improvement of Judicatory Appraisers 'Witnessing in Court expert testimony of forensic medicine 司法鉴定人出庭作证的法理分析及制度完善司法医学的专家鉴定
According to the natures and contents of assessed objectives, and based on the methods of hazards and environmental factors identification, the appraisers shall reasonably select one or combine multiple methods to make hazard identification and risk assessment. 评价人员应根据评价对象性质和内容,依据危害和环境因素识别方法和评价准则,合理选择一种或多种方法结合进行危害识别与风险评价。
At five o ', with the summing-up by the delegate of appraisers and the club president Chai Yanhua, the election ended. 时许,在评委代表及俱乐部主席柴艳华的总结中,本次竞选落下帏幕。
Discussion on the Perfection of the System of Police Appraisers 'Testifying in Court from its Status Quo 从警方鉴定人出庭现状谈我国鉴定人出庭作证制度的完善论我国刑事司法鉴定制度的现状与完善
For this, some way of reliably quantifying the judgment used by art appraisers – measuring the condition and the rarity of the artwork, for instance – would have to be found, and incorporated into the data. 为此,必须找到某种可靠的方法,量化艺术品鉴定师使用的判断标准&例如,衡量艺术作品的状况和稀有程度,并将这种方法纳入数据之中。
Such appraisal shall be accomplished under such rules as the appraisers may reasonably establish. 此类鉴定须按照此类鉴定人建立的方法完成。
Some private appraisers resist mass appraisal because they are concerned about competition. 一些私人评估机构坚持批量评估,因为他们关心竞争问题。
He says antoine's sending appraisers to come look at our property. 他说安托万叫了评估师来看我们的财产。
Sufficient resources and trained personnel ( professional appraisers) to implement the system. 足够的资源和受过良好培训的人员(专业评估者)来补充系统。
Where the negotiations fail, the people's court shall designate a qualified appraisal institution and appraisers for conducting the appraisal. 协商不成的,由人民法院指定的有鉴定资格的鉴定机构、鉴定人鉴定。
We daily preserve our knowledge from the past and adjust it to the present in order to give "more and better" to wine appraisers of a "wine with history". 我们以往鉴来、完善创新,旨在为品鉴者提供“更多更好”“历史传承美酒”。
This paper introduces the concept of risk and the risk that real estate appraisers should take in their practice. 阐述了风险的概念及房地产估价师的执业风险。
According to our criminal law, units are excluded from the appraisers. 另外,根据我国刑法规定,鉴定人不包括单位。
Human capital valuation, a challenge to appraisers and valuation firms, is needed by all the interest related parties of the enterprises. 对人力资本价值的评估是企业各利益相关者的需求,也是对评估机构和评估师的一个挑战。
In order to formalize China's real estate appraisal, an examination and registration system for real estate appraisers has been put into practice. 为规范我国房地产估价工作,我国在房地产领域开展了全国房地产估价师注册考试制度。
China Institute of Real Estate Appraisers has edited a series of textbooks for this purpose and the standard rules and specifications for real estate appraisal are available. 中国房地产估价师学会为此专门组织编写了系列教材,有关部门还颁布了房地产估价规范。
In the proceedings, because judges and parties possess no professional knowledge about some special matters, it is hard for them to make material judgments about the appraisers 'expert conclusion. Under this condition, the judicial appraisers have actually become "judges of the facts". 诉讼中,由于法官和当事人对专门问题不具有相关专业的知识,不易对专家们作出的鉴定结论作出实质性的判断,因此司法鉴定人有时已实际成为事实的裁判者。
Summarize the evaluation foundations, forms, the advantages and disadvantages of these three kinds of appraisers. 对包括顾客评价、饭店评价、第三方评价在内的几种现行饭店服务评价方式进行评价依据、评价形式等方面的总结与归纳,深入分析三种评价方式的各自优缺点。
Based on the previous research and compared to the verbal evidence of both continental and common law systems, this article defines the scope of verbal evidence as statements of witnesses, confessions of suspects and defendants, appraisers and appraisals. 在借鉴前人研究及比较大陆法系和英美法系中言词证据的基础上,本文认为言词证据的范围包括:证人的陈述,犯罪嫌疑人,被告人的供述,鉴定人和鉴定。
When the market and asset and asset conditions remain unchanged, appraisers could get the correct valuation, but when conditions are changed, they could not give opinion on veracity and reliability of the result of valuation. 资产评估中不可避免会存在一定程度的不确定性,当市场和资产条件未发生变化时,评估师本可以做出正确的估价,但当条件变化时,他无法对评估结果的准确性及可靠性发表意见。
With the national stock market's maturity and increasing standardization of listed companies information disclosure, more and more assessment agencies and register appraisers adopt income and market method. They test portfolio of different valuation methods to raise the justness and soundness of valuation result. 随着我国证券市场发育程度以及上市公司信息披露规范化程度的提高,将逐步减少成本法,更多采用收益法和市场法,并将多种评估方法有机组合相互验证,以提高评估结果的公允性。
There is some difference in the applying condition of Market Comparison Approach, Income Approach and Cost Approach. How to choose the right method by different condition is also one of the key points that real estates appraisers must notice in the appraisal process. 市场比较法、收益法和成本法的应用条件和使用范围是有差异的,如何根据不同的条件选用恰当的方法也是估价过程中必须关注的要点之一。
Up to now the professional standard which the appraisers must follow is ill-defined in each country. 但是各国到目前为止,对评估人应该遵循的职业标准并没有清晰界定。
, The Shanghai Real Estate Appraisers Association also celebrated her 10th anniversary in January 2007. 2007年1月,上海市房地产估价师协会也迎来了十周年华诞。
Market inefficiencies affecting the reasonableness and reliability of valuation conclusions, and appraisers prefer to select more reliable and trustworthy evaluation method in their course of practice. 市场的低效率影响了评估结论的合理性和可靠性,并促使评估师在执业过程中选择更加可靠、可信赖评估方法&市场法在我国评估实务中使用频率极低的现状便由此产生。
Although appraisers criminal liability in the current case is extreme, but clearly the responsibility of the industry is very important and hoped that the assessment of practical help to reduce the risk of their practitioners. 虽然评估师刑事法律责任在目前属于极端的案例,但明确责任对行业发展非常重要,希望对实践评估工作有所帮助,降低自己的从业风险。
Issue Audit Committee is composed by government officials, auditors, lawyers, asset appraisers, university teachers and other personnel. Auditors account for about 1/ 3 of the seats. 发行审核委员会委员是由政府官员、审计师、律师、资产评估师、大学教师等人员构成的,其中审计师占据了约1/3的席位。