All my apprehensions were bury'd in the thoughts of such a pitch of inhuman, hellish brutality, and the horror of the degeneracy of humane nature. 想到这种极端残忍可怕的行为,想到人性竟然堕落到如此地步,我忘记了自己的恐惧。
In the middle of these cogitations, apprehensions and reflections, it came into my thought one day, that all this might BE a mere chimera of my own. 我正这样东想西想,疑神疑鬼,反省默想的时候,忽然有一天,我觉得这一切也许是我个人的幻觉。
They descended the hill, crossed the bridge, and drove to the door; and, while examining the nearer aspect of the house, all her apprehensions of meeting its owner returned. 他们下了山坡,过了桥,一直驶到大厦门前,欣赏那附近一带的景物,伊丽莎白这时候不免又起了一阵疑惧,生怕闯见主人。
So Mrs Chick, who had her matronly apprehensions that this indulgence in grief might be prejudicial to the little Dombey ('acid, indeed,'she whispered Miss Tox), hastened to the rescue. 奇克夫人有她当家庭主妇的忧虑,生怕这样放纵地悲伤会对小董贝不利(“真酸,”她对托克斯小姐说道),所以急忙进行抢救。
Could you elaborate on the fears and apprehensions you mentioned? 你能详细描述你当时的恐惧吗?
Our pilgrim remained stupefied with undefined apprehensions. 我们的旅客给莫名的恐惧吓呆了。
Chen's speech added to Mao's apprehensions. 陈的发言增加了他的担心。
Throughout the 1920s and 1930s, Churchill had often voiced his apprehensions about Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany. 在20世纪20和30年代,丘吉尔时常表示对阿道夫?希特勒纳粹德国的担忧。
All my apprehensions were buried. A Discussion on the Mentality of Resisting Liao Dynasty of Song People; 我的全部畏惧心理都被埋没起来。
THE red glare of the torch, lighting up the interior of the block-house, showed me the worst of my apprehensions realised. 火把的红光照亮了木屋的内部,我所料想的最坏的局面呈现出来。
And I doubt not, but they might have been several times on shore, after my apprehensions of them had made me cautious as well as before; 我也毫不怀疑,自从我处处小心提防他们之后,他们还照常到岛上来过好几次。
He stood in a mixture of desire and apprehensions. 他怀着渴望和恐惧交加的心情伫立着。
Thousands of travelers are still stuck in Denver. Our pilgrim remained stupefied with undefined apprehensions. 数千名的旅客仍然滞留丹佛机场。我们的旅客给莫名的恐惧吓呆了。
Better be despised for too anxious apprehensions, than ruined by too confident security. 被过度的忧虑压倒,也好于在盲目自信中毁灭。
With good reputation this Housemaid Service Center is ready to do its Best to solve your proBlems and allay your apprehensions. 本保姆服务中心声誉良好,愿为您家庭排忧解难尽力。
Her former apprehensions, now with greater reason restored, left her no doubt of the event. 她过去的恐惧现在夹带着更多的理由卷土重来,使她对结局毫不怀疑。
Futurity is the proper abode of hope and fear, with all their train and progeny of subordinate apprehensions and desires. ( No.8) 未来是希望和恐惧的适当宅所,陪伴它们的是从属于理解和期望的后代。
There is also fear of cotton crops being destroyed due to the delayed rains and has raised apprehensions amongst cotton traders of a shortage of cotton in the new season. 此外棉花受降雨量推迟而造成新季度棉花短缺的可能性,带动棉花交易的活跃性。
His easy manners soon dispelled all my apprehensions. 他从容的态度,很快就使我的疑虑消释了。
He unburdened his small heart of certain apprehensions. 他吐露了他小小心灵里的一些不安。
As states become stronger, they cultivate new needs and this may seem counterintuitive apprehensions that force them to expand in various forms. 随着国家变得越来越强大,它们产生新的需求和恐慌(这可能感觉起来有点违反常识),这迫使其自身以各种形式扩张。
The farther I was from the occasion of my fright, the greater my apprehensions were, which is something contrary to the nature of such things. 离开我受惊的时候越远我的疑惧反而越大。这种情况,未免有点反乎常情。
Yet such was the Fright I had taken at the Moors, and the dreadful Apprehensions I had of falling into their Hands, that I would not stop, or go on Shoar, or come to an Anchor; 但是,我已被摩尔人吓破了胆,生怕再落到他们的手里;同一时间风势又顺,于是也不靠岸,也不下锚,一口气竟然走了五天。
These can be things, such as a fear of flying or heights, or more-subtle apprehensions such as participating in a discussion with a group of strangers at a meeting. 恐惧可能是事情,例如:害怕坐飞机、恐高,还可能是更不那么明显的惧怕,例如:会议上加入一群陌生人讨论。
Veterinarians and servicemen can and should help dispel this apprehensions by maintaining high ethical standards. 兽医师和管理人员能够并且也应当通过保持高度的道德标准帮助驱逐这种恐惧。
Apprehensions and Symbolizations: The Snake Taboos and Snake Witchcrafts of Yunnan Ethnic groups 恐惧与象征:云南少数民族的蛇禁忌与蛇巫术
So we can quantify audit risk by above steps. Because of the different apprehensions of audit risk must lead to different measure results. 由于对审计风险的不同理解必然会导致审计风险计量结果的不同。
In this tragedy, Sartre artistically does away with man's apprehensions for the mystery of the nature, reveals the modern consciousness that man can vanquish God and freely choose the way of life. 作者借用这出浓郁的古代神话悲剧的诗意,艺术地破除了人对自然之谜的惶惑感,传递出人能战胜上帝,自由选择生活道路的现代意识。
The results showed: ( 1) The effective ideas and the creative ideas were influenced by production blocking and evaluation apprehensions. 主要结论如下:(1)有效观点和创新观点产生的数量,主要受到产生式障碍和评价恐惧的影响。