Eve nodded, almost approvingly. 'Exactly.' 伊芙几乎赞同地点了点头。“确实如此。”
She was wearing a bright red, puffy coat and blushed as Li spoke approvingly of her white Honda. 她穿着一件鲜红而蓬松的外衣,李称赞她的白色本田时,她脸红了。
In their comments, some people acknowledged having not seen the film, but wanted to show their support for what many approvingly described as an act of subversion against North Korea. 有人在评论中承认尚未观看此片,但是想表示自己的支持,许多人都以称赞的口吻形容,此片是颠覆朝鲜的举动。
Yet Neill, who died in 1973, would surely look on approvingly: his legacy is largely unaltered. 然而,1973年去世的尼尔,肯定会用赞许的眼光看待这一切,因为他留下的传统很大程度上并未改变。
IPod users on the New York subway eye one another approvingly, spotting the distinctive white and tangleprone earphones that mark another member of the club. 纽约地铁上的iPod使用者以赞许的眼光相互对望,察觉到独特的白色和容易缠绕的耳机,这标志着他们又遇到了一位使用iPod的伙伴。
When people in black churches heard this, they would nod their heads approvingly. 当黑人教堂的人听到这些,他们都点头赞许。
You often find this expression in the source documents of dressage, and it is always spoken of approvingly as a trait to be developed and encouraged. 你经常能够在有关盛装舞步的文本中看到这样的表达,它通常被赞许的称道是应当发展和鼓励的特征。
Perhaps it is not surprising to see Howard Gardner quoting him approvingly. 看到霍华德?加德纳非常赞成地援引他的这番话,或许并不令人惊讶。
I always nodded approvingly because my wife's stare was embedded into the back of my head by now. 我总是点头称是,因为我的妻子眼光深深地嵌入了我的脑海里。
She looked at me approvingly. 她用赞同的眼光看了看我。
Mr Letterblair nodded approvingly at all excess of caution worthy of the best New York tradition. 莱特布莱尔先生点点头,对与纽约最优良的传统相称的极端审慎的态度表示赞许。
He approvingly cites companies that reward consumers for promoting them via social media. 他颇为赞许地引用了一些公司的例子,它们奖励那些通过社交媒体推广它们的消费者。
The old lady smiled, pointed at my tofu approvingly and went back to crocheting the red and white chequered slippers she was making. 老妇人笑着指了指我碗中的臭豆腐表示赞赏,然后她继续用钩针编织她的红白格子拖鞋。
The old woman nodded her head approvingly. 老大太赞赏地点了点头。
She smiled at him approvingly. 她向他赞许地微笑了一下。
She looked at him approvingly and smiled. 她面带微笑赞许地望着他。
A son of their soil would, for the first time, occupy the White House, and many would whisper, approvingly," Only in America. " 从他们土地上产生的儿子将第一次占据白宫。许多人都将窃窃私语:“只有在美国。”
Great is mostly used when talking ( usually approvingly) about importance, quality, ability or extent. great大多用于指重要性、特性、能力或程度(通常含褒义)。
The musician smiled approvingly while the little girl was playing the piano. 小女孩弹奏钢琴时,这位音乐家赞许地微笑着。
He wrote approvingly of Barack Obama's ambitious attempt to reform US healthcare: Only a productive narcissist would attempt such profound change. 麦考比赞同巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)雄心勃勃推动美国医疗改革的努力。他称:只有高效的自恋狂才会尝试如此深远的变革。
Nikita nodded approvingly as he arranged the reins. 尼基塔频频点头,他安排了马车。
Whistle or howl approvingly at a female, of males. 雄性对雌性发出的满意的叫声或嚎叫。
Howard smiled an iron smile, and nodded his head approvingly. 霍华德透出了一丝冷若冰霜的微笑,点点头表示同意。
The key of radar intelligence simulation is target tracking simulation and radar detection simulation, but the present method of tracking simulation is not accorded with the characteristic of actual moving target approvingly. 雷达情报模拟的关键是目标航迹模拟和雷达探测模拟,但目前的航迹模拟方法不能很好地体现目标的实际运动特性。