(aquarian 的复数) n.宝瓶座时段(约1月21日至2月19日)生的人
a. 宝瓶座时代的, 太空时代的 aquarian 的复数
Aquarians are attracted to quirky, unusual ways of doing things. 水瓶们偏好古怪、不寻常的做事方法。你是一个具有创新精神、标新立异的人。
Basically, Aquarians are afraid that relationships will compromise their independence. Fortunately, these folks love to experiment. 基本上,水瓶座的人担心太过亲密的关系会让自己失去独立性。幸运的是,你们喜欢尝试。
You are far too sensitive for the Water-bearer's aloofness. Aquarians cannot tolerate your need to cling to them. 巨蟹-水瓶:你很难理解水瓶座人的超然态度;水瓶座人也不能忍受你强加在他/她身上的压力。
Birth: Jan.21-Feb.19 Key Words liberating, knowing, innovating Personality Aquarians have a good sense of humor. 出生月份1月21日-2月19日关键词自由奔放,精明能干,富于创新性格水瓶座的人富有幽默感。
In any case, most Aquarians tend to have a strong will. 在任何情况下,大多数水瓶座往往有坚强的意志。
Aquarians are good computer scientists, doctors, pilots and writers. 他们是出色的计算机科学家,医生,飞行员和作家。
Aquarians also enjoy freedom. 水瓶座的人也很喜欢自由。
Aquarians have different ways of looking at life and solving problems. 水瓶座的人对待生活的态度和解决问题的办法有着不同的观点。
Most Aquarians would rather die than do the nine-to-five gig. 多数水瓶座的人宁愿死也不做朝九晚五的上班族。
Aquarians usually have many different hobbies and are creative and skillful in many areas. 水瓶座的人有很多不同的兴趣爱好,在许多领域都富有创意和技能。
Aquarians should follow a diet that limits fattening foods and is high in protein, like fresh fruits and vegetables& whole-grain breads. 水瓶座人应该少吃油脂过高和高蛋白质的食物,多吃新鲜的水果、蔬菜和面包。
There are two main things to know about Aquarians. 水瓶座的人有两项主要特质。
The Modern Modality of the Natural View: The Natural View of the Self organization and Ecology; Aquarians have different ways of looking at life and solving problems. 自然观的现代形态&自组织生态自然观水瓶座的人对待生活的态度和解决问题的办法有着不同的观点。
Aquarians are hesitant about giving orders and directing people. 水瓶座的人对于下命令和指挥人做事都会显得犹豫不决。