Average annual earnings of archivists were nearly$ 41,000, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics ( BLS). 根据美国劳工局的统计数据显示,平均年薪为4万1千美元。
Archivists, who plan and oversee the arrangement of exhibitions, have a more leisurely pace of work than many other professions. 档案保管人,负责规划以及检查展览安排,是一份比其他工作更悠闲,轻松的工作。
Consequently, music archivists are faced with a delicate problem: how to preserve old-time recordings without silencing them forever? 所以唱片保管者们面临着一个微妙的难题:怎样保护好这些古老的唱片,又能让他们播出美妙的音乐?
At some institutions, such as BNP Paribas, HSBC and Barclays, archivists run oral history programmes to capture executives 'reflections on events. 在法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas)、汇丰(HSBC)和巴克莱等一些机构,档案保管员发起了口述历史项目来捕捉高管们对事件的回顾。
On the Essential Qualities of University Archivists at the New Century 新世纪高校档案工作人员应具备的素质
It is important to note that such provisions would not prevent archivists from applying their own restrictions on certain records that they believed were sensitive. 我们注意到这很重要,即这些规定不应阻止档案工作者在其所认为敏感度较高的特定记录上适用其自身的约束力。
Causing losses to archives as a result of neglect of duty on the part of archivists. 档案工作人员玩忽职守,造成档案损失的。
AHP Analysis on Comprehensive Ability of Urban Construction Archivists 城建档案工作者综合能力的AHP分析
Digitization tasks not only bring archivists new missions and opportunities but also many practical problems and difficulties. 档案数字化工作给予了档案人新的使命和机遇,然而在实际工作中也存在很多问题和困难。
Analysis on the Role and Team Construction of Part-time Archivists in Colleges and Universities 浅谈高校兼职档案员的作用及队伍建设
Compare and contrast the role of archivists in government, universities, and private organizations in the United States and China; 比较、对比中美档案工作者在政府、大学和私人部门组织中的角色和地位;
Occupational weariness is the occupational injury which seriously damages the mental health of the archivists. 职业倦怠是一种职业性伤害,严重地影响着档案人员的身心健康。
Gavan McCarthy and James Bradley, University of Melbourne ( Australia): The Bond servant of two masters? Big history and balancing the needs of archivists and analysts. 墨尔本大学加文·麦卡锡、詹姆士·布拉德利,《两位主人的奴隶?&大历史与档案工作者和研究者需求之平衡》。
On the Administration of Personnel Archivists; Game-theoretic approach for information sharing between government departments under intervention of superior agencies 浅论地市级及以下干部人事档案管理队伍建设上级干预下政府部门间信息共享的博弈分析
American Archives Month is an opportunity "all over this broad land" to raise awareness about the value of archives – and archivists. 美国档案馆月,是一个“伸向这片广阔土地”以提升大众认识档案馆和档案工作者价值的机会。
Protecting our collections is one of our fundamental responsibilities as archivists. 作为档案工作者,保护我们征集而来的档案是我们的基本职责。
From archival angle of view the article explores the archivists, who are in a dilemma in the period of knowledge explosion and society changing, how to change their roles. 文章列举知识爆炸、社会转型时期档案工作者所面临的尴尬,从档案视角探讨知识社会档案工作者角色转换。
The controlled documents shall be kept by the archivists of each department, and borrowed according to4.7. 各部门的受控文件由各部门文件档案员保存,需要使用的人员按4.7借阅。
Through citizen archivist projects, we can increase public knowledge of our work as well as inspire future generations of archivists. 通过公民档案管理员项目,我们能够获得更多工作的公共知识并激励下一代的档案工作者。
In addition to helping us accomplish sizable tasks, engaging the public as citizen archivists can also help us achieve important public education goals. 除了让他们帮助我们完成大量的工作任务外,也使致力于公民档案管理员的公众帮助我们实现重要的公共教育目标。
Supervise and remind archivists arranging the documents and information correctly. 督促档案管理人员按体系要求作好文件、资料的管理工作。
Excellent part-time archivists should have high sense of duty and law awareness of archives, put the sense of duty to the work process; 优秀的兼职档案员要具有高度的责任心和较强的档案法律意识,并把这种责任心和意识贯穿到工作的全过程;
The Australia archivists realize that under electronic environment the records exist not being bound by the medium forms. 澳大利亚档案工作者认识到,在电子环境中,文件不受媒体形式的约束而存在。
It's the objective need of the development of the file management and it can promote the combination of the management of the computer information and the file information, which satisfies the need of the social informationization and improves the archivists 'quality. 这是档案管理现代化发展的客观要求,有利于促进计算机信息处理与档案信息管理的结合,同时也适应了社会信息化的要求,提高了档案工作者的素质。
To adapt to the reform and development of archive management in new situation, such qualities of archivists should be improved as political and ideological quality, professional quality, information management quality and innovative quality. 档案管理人员应提高政治思想素质、专业素质、信息管理素质和创新素质,以适应新形势下档案管理工作的改革与发展。
To archivists the definition of records is different from that of information technique records. 档案工作者对文件的定义与信息技术中的文件定义是有区别的。
It points out that to meet the needs of informationization society archivists should acquire the knowledge of modernization management. 指出档案工作者应该掌握现代化管理知识,以适应信息化社会的要求。本文主要观点:无论是档案工作还是档案工作者,都要适应信息化社会的发展趋势。
Archivists have bounden duty on the maintenance of archives 'truth. 档案工作者作为档案的管理者,维护档案的真实是天职。
More and more archivists summarize and exchange the experiences in practice to improve the archives informationization management level. 越来越多的档案学者以电子文件的产生为起点对档案信息化管理的方方面面进行探讨;越来越多档案工作者在实践中总结经验,勤于交流,不断推动档案信息化管理水平的提高。
Archivists and researchers should combine theory with practice and study unremitting to push the construction of public archives smoothly. 档案工作人员及学者要将理论与实践相结合,坚持不懈地进行研究,推动我国公共档案馆建设的顺利发展。