Its archrival ADT is starting to offer home energy systems. 它主要竞争对手ADT正在向客户提供家庭能源系统。
And, perhaps most impressively, it had its archrival Google on the run. 而最引人关注的是,它已经让主要竞争对手谷歌(Google)疲于奔命。
Like the new Snow Leopard operating system released in August by Microsoft's archrival, Apple, Windows 7 is much more of an evolutionary than a revolutionary product. 去年8月,微软竞争对手苹果公司(Apple)发布了新的雪豹(SnowLeopard)操作系统。和雪豹一样,Windows7更多的是一款改进产品,而非革命之作。
As is so often the case, Google's new effort directly competes with a product from archrival Apple, whose Apple TV has been doing something similar for years using a technology called AirPlay. 和通常情况一样,谷歌的新尝试直接与它的主要竞争对手苹果的一款产品形成了竞争。多年来,苹果的苹果电视(appleTV)一直在利用一种名为AirPlay的技术实现类似的功能。
Kors 'archrival Coach COH 0.17%, which plans several new stores in China, saw its sales there rise 13% in its most recent quarter. 这家公司的劲敌Coach则计划在中国新开几家门店,它最新一个季度的在华销售额增长了13%。
Mobile is also where Alibaba will encounter the fiercest competition, notably from archrival Tencent. 移动业务也将是阿里巴巴面临最激烈竞争的领域,尤其是来自腾讯(Tencent)的竞争。
But Scamboli, Geppetto's archrival, is jealous of Pinocchio and Pinocchio's friendship with his daughter Marlene. 但是,盖比特的死对头史金保妒忌皮诺丘,更妒忌自己女儿玛莲与皮诺丘之间的友情。
It cemented the template for how every computer works today, even though Apple was handily bested in the PC sales wars by archrival Microsoft. 它定义了现代每一台计算机工作的模式,尽管苹果轻易在PC销售战争击败主要竞争对手微软。
The deal, which will raise no new capital, values the firm at a discount to its archrival Blackstone and far below the$ 26bn that KKR had targeted in securities filings last year after it first revealed plans to go public. 该交易将不会筹集新资本,对该公司的估值相对于其长期对手百仕通(Blackstone)有所折让,也远低于KKR最初透露上市计划后、去年在证券申报文件中所列260亿美元的目标。
UBS, its Swiss archrival, has recsently followed suit by launching its own "wealth management campus" in Singapore. 它的瑞士劲敌瑞银集团最近亦步亦趋,在新加坡推出了自己的“财富管理学院”。
Siemens's growth spurt has even placed it ahead of its archrival, General Electric ( GE), long the world's dominant industrial company, on some measures. 按某些标准看,西门子的迅猛增长甚至将其竞争对手,在世界上长期占据统治地位的通用电气公司抛在了身后。