This regimen however ardently it was thereafter pursued did not keep Lewis from having health problems. 但路易斯信奉的这种生活方式并不能让他完全避免健康问题。
"What, then, were you waiting for?" the young man WAS ardently logical. “那你又在等什么呢?”年轻人的问题倒是既充满激情又合乎逻辑。
The count, fearing to yield to the entreaties of heR he had so ardently loved, called hi sufferings to the assistance of his hatred. 因为他曾热烈地爱过她,他深怕自己会被她的恳求软化,就回忆起他当时受苦的情形来帮助自己坚定仇恨。
You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you. 请允许我告诉你,我多么敬慕你,多么爱你。
And how ardently they grew to love their home under the ground; especially Wendy. 他们渐渐地都热烈地爱上了这个地下的家,特别是温迪。
I want them to ardently love the motherland and every other human being, to be good citizens. 我想要他们热爱自己的祖国,热爱每一个人,成为好公民。
Some people are just more ardently curious than others, either by cultivation or by nature. 后天养成的也好,天生的也罢,有些人就是比另外一些人具有更强烈的好奇心。
We ardently love our army. 我们热爱我们的军队。
The more we think the happy life of today, the more we just ardently love socialism. 我们越想今天的幸福生活,我们就越热爱社会主义。
LiBo manager welcome all circles to review and instruct, establish resplendence ardently. 公司总经理李波热烈欢迎各界朋友前来考察指导,共创辉煌。
Strive ardently, oh man, and burn. 人们哪,努力奋斗和燃烧吧!
"Oh, but we must," he whispered ardently. “哦,可是我们必须,”他热情低语。
Love deeply and ardently. 深情热烈地爱。
In Canada, however, he is best known as a statesman and orator who ardently fostered a Canadian national spirit, giving it imaginative range and memorable phrases befitting a new northern nation. 在加拿大,他最响誉的声名是作为热心促进加拿大国家精神的政治家和演说者,并赋予适用于一个全新的北方国家的想象空间和难忘的词句。
Praise shames me, for I secretly beg for it. The fame and power which he so ardently desired were in his grasp. 荣誉使我感到惭愧,因为我暗地里求着它。他那么热烈追求的荣誉和权利便唾手可得。
Let's open wide our arms to ardently embrace a splendid spring of the Chinese literature! 让我们张开双臂,热烈地拥抱,一个光辉灿烂的华语文学的春天吧!
He has always been ardently pro-french. 他一直是个积极的亲法分子。
He asked young people all over the country to ardently join the army, making contribution to the motherland and the people. 他要求全国各地的青年积极报名参加国家军队,为祖国和人民作出贡献。
Someone who is so ardently devoted to something that it resembles an addiction. 一个热心地致力于某件事情好像对其上瘾的人。
This case causes pair of Internet opinion on public affairs to discuss ardently attrib borderly in Korea. 此案在韩国引发对互联网言论边界的热烈讨论。
He embraced it ardently and used it with vigor. 他热切地拥抱它,并且将它发挥得淋漓尽致。
Love deeply and ardently, even if there is pain. 深切地狂热的去爱,即使会有伤痛。
He pursued ardently all the major and minor pleasures of life. 他热烈追求生活中所有大大小小的乐趣。
Each person all ardently loves their homeland, then, why must each of you "leave your own native place to earn a livelihood elsewhere" and come to Beijing to live? 家乡,故土一个某人出生或长期生活的地方,比如一个国家或城市每个人都热爱故土,那么,诸位为什么要背井离乡来北京生活呢?
This discovery of the origins of poetry does away with the opinion of the matchless wisdom of the ancients, so ardently sought after from Plato to Bacon's De sapientia veterum. 关于诗的起源的这种发现也消除了古人智慧无敌这种看法,从柏拉图到培根的《古人的智慧》,人们都在热心探索这种无比智慧。
Then find the right girl to love and love her ardently. 然后找一个值得你爱的好姑娘,向她倾注你全部的爱。
We ardently love truth more than anything. 我们热爱真理高于任何一切。
That awe-inspiring justice, is full of by me love ardently, feel respect. 那凛然的正义,让我充满热爱、感到敬畏。
the spirit of God knew very well that there was a deeper question to be settled before there could be the intervention in power that was so ardently desired