Argonaut Navigation Co. Ltd. v. Ministry of Food 阿戈诺特航运有限公司诉食品部案
G., water level and flow velocity in different cases of different discharge. Therefore, the application of Argonaut SL and the method of measuring water level in the tunnel are recommended based on the example of this project. 某隧洞已运行了12年,为了提供科学依据进行安全评价,必须测量不同流量下的隧洞进出口水位、流速等参数,为此结合该工程实例阐述ArgonautSL的应用及洞内水位的测量方法。
Application of Argonaut SL to the Hydrometer of Flow Section in a Certain Tunnel ArgonautSL在某隧洞过水断面水文测验中的应用