They had taken to wandering through the streets arm-in-arm. 他们养成了挽着胳膊逛街的习惯。
When an older, ugly man is seen walking down the road arm-in-arm with a young and beautiful woman, most people assume the man is rich or powerful. 当人们看到苍老而丑陋的男人手挽着年轻美丽的女子漫步道旁,大多数都会设想此公不是腰缠万贯,便有大权在握。
She, and then a man, took her gently arm-in-arm and brought her out into the light. 她,接着是一个男人,轻轻地挽起她的手臂,把她领到外面。
She soon distanced the churchgoers, except two youngish men, who, linked arm-in-arm, were beating up behind her at a quick step. 不久她就同从教堂里面出来的人隔得远了,只有两个年轻的男子胳膊挽着胳膊,快步从后面跟了上来。
Italian men and women may walk arm-in-arm. 意大利男人和女人可能手挽着手走路。
Once during the night her sisters came up arm-in-arm, singing sorrowfully, as they floated on the water. 有一天夜里,她的姐姐们手挽着手浮过来了。她们一面在水上游泳,一面唱出凄怆的歌。
We proceeded to have a discussion about the idea, which came out easily, during our friendly, linked arm-in-arm walk by the ocean. 我们开始讨论在友好地手勾手漫步海边之际自然出现的想法。
As he stood near a lamp, listening with surprise to Walter's hurried explanation, he presented a remarkable contrast to the two youthful figures arm-in-arm before him. 当他站在街灯旁边,惊奇地听着沃尔特匆匆的解释时,他与他面前这两位手挽手的富于朝气的年轻人形成了鲜明的对照。
Mrs. Gardiner, who was walking arm-in-arm with Elizabeth, gave her a look expressive of wonder. 嘉丁纳太太跟伊丽莎白挽着手走,对她做了个眼色,表示十分惊奇。
In August, they were seen arm-in-arm walking through Paris, though rumors of troubles flared when Johansson was photographed sunbathing in a bikini with her bodyguard on a yacht off the coast of Italy. 8月,他们被看到挽着手臂行走在巴黎,尽管当约翰逊被拍到与保镖在意大利海岸边地游艇上晒比基尼日光浴时,外界各种麻烦的流言四起。
Then it was dark, so we packed up our things and went for a walk through the not-very-well-lit dirt road main street of this old Balinese fishing village, linked comfortably arm-in-arm under the stars. 而后天色渐黑,于是我们收拾东西,漫步穿越巴厘岛这古老渔村昏暗的泥土主街,在星光下愉快地勾着手。
Antiriot police, wearing helmets and clutching shields, rammed through a human wall of protesters linked arm-in-arm to block the entrance of the Executive Yuan. 戴着头盔、手持盾牌的防暴警察强行冲破了抗议者用胳膊挽成的封锁行政院入口的人墙。
Then they hold each other arm-in-arm, bow their body and swing their hair to the front. Evan tried to take the man's arm; the man jerked away. 她们互相紧挽双臂,俯身将长发甩至前面,依万试图握住那人的胳臂;那人猛地甩开了。
The icing on the cake was that he saw her arm-in-arm on the street. 最精彩的就是他在街上看见那女生跟别人手挽着手!
Age20, I said I love you, you put your head on my shoulder, arm-in-arm tightly, afraid of that I would disappear in the next second. 20岁的时候,我说我爱你,你把头靠在我的肩上,紧紧地挽住我的手臂,像是下一秒我就要消失一样。