One of the reporters cannoned into Arnold 一个记者和阿诺德撞了个满怀。
Arnold could detect a certain sadness in the old man's face. 阿诺德能觉察到老人脸上的一丝悲伤。
Arnold directed a meaningful look at Irma. 阿诺德意味深长地看了艾尔玛一眼。
'There's no threat in this, Freddie,' Arnold hastened to say “这不会有什么危险的,弗雷迪,”阿诺德急忙补充了一句。
With the last sentiment, Arnold was in hearty agreement. 阿诺德强烈赞成最后一个观点。
At the time, Arnold had disapproved of such levity. 那时候的阿诺德对这种轻浮行为很看不惯。
The puzzle niggled away in Arnold's mind. 这个谜团在阿诺德脑海里挥之不去。
Arnold primed her for her duties 阿诺德事先让她熟悉了自己的任务。
Jacques Arnold has been a member of parliament since 1987 雅克·阿诺德自1987年以来一直是议会议员。
Her grip slackened on Arnold's arm 她紧握着阿诺德的手松开了。
Arnold Schwarzenegger's new restaurant has been slated by a top food critic 阿诺德·施瓦辛格的新餐馆受到了一位顶级食评家的恶评。
Arnold stopped the engine and got out of the car 阿诺德关掉发动机,下了车。
Among his immediate rivals was Arnold Matters, probably his superior in comic roles. 在他的直接竞争者中,阿诺德·马特斯也许在喜剧表演上比他更胜一筹。
This is my colleague, Mr Arnold Landon. 这位是我的同事,阿诺德·兰登先生。
Arnold had his head down, gasping as he toiled up the hill. 阿诺德垂着头,一边费劲地往山上爬一边气喘吁吁。
For a moment, Arnold felt a twinge of sympathy for Mr Wilson. 有一瞬间,阿诺德对威尔逊先生心生同情。
Arnold felt vaguely embarrassed 阿诺德感到有点儿尴尬。
Steve Arnold describes these and other highlights of this release. SteveArnold描述了该版本的这些和其他一些亮点。
Arnold Gehlen is a famous biologist, social psychologist and philosophy anthropologist in modern germany. 阿诺德格伦(arnoldgehlen)是现代德国著名生物学家、社会心理学家和哲学人类学家。
That's why I am going to start the Arnold and Sly Stallone workout plan. 那为我要开始我的阿诺德和斯莱·史泰龙锻炼计划了。
Arnold picked holes in what I said. 阿诺德在我的话里挑毛病。
Arnold: You need to relax. 你需要放松一下了。
Whatever it is that you and Arnold are doing. 不管你和阿诺德在做什麽。
Arnold: Unfortunately, I have to work on another project with her. 不幸的是,我不得不和她合作另外一个项目。
In China, Arnold found a poetry class. 在中国,阿诺德发现了一个诗歌班。
The Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, has become the model of the new American Dream. 美国加州州长阿诺·施瓦辛格成为了新美国梦的典范。
Thank you for reading this and allowing me to share some of arnold's life with you. 谢谢你们读这篇文章,让我和你们分享阿诺德的生活点滴。
The Austrian Arnold Schoenberg invented a new method of composition. 奥地利作曲家阿诺德·舍恩伯格创造了一种新的作曲方法。
Arnold went shopping with his friends this evening. Arnold今天晚上和他的朋友上街去买东西。
Arnold Schwarzenegger said he had spoken with Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff by phone. 州长阿诺德·施瓦辛格说,他已经和国土安全部秘书迈克·切尔托夫通过了电话。