The introduction presents arpeggios on the harp against a string tremolo& an enchanting sonority. This goes for all arpeggio exercises: Never aim for speed. 引子,在弦乐的震音上竖琴奏出了琶音,一种迷人的音响。这是对琶音练习的建议,不要以速度为目标。
But nothing of the kind happens. Instead, the arpeggios evolve through a succession of gently unexpected harmonies. 但一个这样的音符也没听到。相反,和弦在一连串意料不到的轻柔和声中慢慢展开。
From the point of view of piano technique we group scales and arpeggios together, since arpeggios are essentially magnified, amplified scales. 从钢琴弹奏法这个观点来看,因为琶音从本质上来说是基础的放大,是放大了的音阶,所在我们将音阶与琶音放到了一起。
He's such a pseud, with his talk of "lambent harmonies" and "melting arpeggios". 他假充是音乐的行家,说什么“波光闪烁般的和声”、“柔和的琶音”。
Instead, the arpeggios evolve through a succession of gently unexpected harmonies. 相反,和弦在一连串意料不到的轻柔和声中慢慢展开。
And then he does these real immaculate arpeggios. 但他演奏这真正完美的琶音。
Marian had 'shown him some chords and how to handle basic arpeggios to accompany himself. 玛丽安教给他几种的弦的弹奏一些基本的琶音来为自己伴奏。
You can shit arpeggios if you like, or string a zither across your navel. I am fucking you, Tania, so that you'll stay fucked. 只要愿意,你可以奏出一串和音急速弹奏,或是在肚脐那儿拴上一只齐特拉琴。