Many of those who launch artisanal chocolate shops, including Mimi Wheeler, are inspired by a love for chocolate, not business. 很多手工巧克力作坊的创始人,包括米米•维勒在内,最初的动力都是出于对巧克力,而不是对商业的热爱。
With Reichl as editorial advisor, gilt promised a site offering "artisanal hard-to-find foods" for ethical eaters with limited access to such products e.g. "people who live outside New York City" as well as the kind of editorial content that made Reichl famous. 2009年11月,康泰纳仕公司(CondéNast)关闭了旗下的《美食家》杂志(Gourmet),雷切尔被迫放弃了杂志主编的宝座。
Unlike groceries, artisanal foods are generally considered a niche market. 与食品杂货不同,手工食品通常被认为是一个利基市场。
We see it in the host of small production runs for new artisanal products, and in the renewed interest of earnest young college graduates in a life of farming, which harks back to the agrarian roots of so much American tinkering. 从生产新手工艺品的小作坊中,从诚挚的年轻学子对务农生活(美国相当多的鼓捣行为都发轫自农耕时代)重燃的兴趣中,我们都可以看到这一点。
In recent years, smaller farms have been trying to improve their quality, aiming to create European-style fine cheeses for the budding Russian artisanal food movement. 最近几年,规模较小的农场一直在努力提高质量,打算为了迎合俄罗斯最近兴起的手工食品热,开发一种欧式的优质奶酪。
Hand-crafted art As chefs the world over focus on artisanal cooking, the culinary skills behind the Neapolitan pizza have gained even greater value and distinction. 由于世界各地的厨师十分关注手工艺烹饪,那不勒斯披萨的烹饪技巧因此更具价值,也备受赞誉。
It was a scene familiar to any fan of small-batch, artisanal craft beer: the gleaming brewing equipment, the bready smell, the bulging sacks of malted barley. 喜欢小规模手工精酿啤酒的人应该很熟悉这种场景:闪闪发光的酿酒设备,酵母发酵的气味,大袋大袋的大麦麦芽。
The show is like artisanal cheese made in Brooklyn& the influential love it, but that doesn't make it a phenomenon across the U.S. 《纸牌屋》就像布鲁克林区制作的手工奶酪:有影响力的人士都爱吃,但这并没有让它成为风靡全美的美味佳肴。
Yet the one-quarter of exported Bordeaux that headlines its wine sales to China and Hong Kong comes from big-production vineyards that can hardly be deemed artisanal. 然而,新闻报道中经常提到的出口至中国内地和香港的波尔多(Bordeaux)葡萄酒中,有四分之一来自几乎不可能被视为小作坊的大型葡萄庄园。
So rebel beer drinkers, disgruntled by the "hot" issue of industrialised beer, used the "cool" structures of artisanal microbrews and brewpubs to spread their message. 这样来看,叛逆的啤酒饮用者对啤酒的工业化生产这个“热点”问题感到不满,他们利用小型手工酿酒厂加自酿啤酒酒吧这种“冷静的”组织结构来传递讯息。
We have professional artisanal producers and the designers carefully, we have been innovative in concept to good quality to win market recognition. 我们有专业的手工生产者和设计者仔细,我们一直在创新的概念,以良好的质量赢得市场的认可。
Where I live, there are "Farmers'Markets" held weekly, where local farmers sell things like artisanal cheeses, special jams and jellies, organic honey, and wonderful cakes. 我住的地方,每周举行也有菜市,相似美国郊区的赶集。当地农民卖手工奶酪,特别新鲜的果酱和果冻,有机蜂蜜,和美妙的蛋糕一样的东西。
As I emerged into the main baking area I began to appreciate why these artisanal bakeries are such an integral part of restaurant life. 进入主要的烘焙区域,我开始意识到,为何这些传统手工作坊面包店是餐厅不可或缺的一部分。
This is the first appearance of the original Chinese Vietnamese artisanal sofa. 原来这是首次现身中国的越南手工沙发。
Louis Vuitton, part of the LVMH group, ran advertisements showing workers using a needle and thread and other artisanal techniques. 路易·威登公司隶属于酩悦·轩尼诗-路易·威登集团,其所播放的广告显示几个工人使用针线和其他制作技艺制作皮包。
Along the mangrove waterways, creeks and estuarine waters, a rich tradition of artisanal mariculture has evolved and fish constitutes an important part of the peoples'protein supply. 沿着红树林水道、溪流和河口水域形成了传统的手工海水养殖。养殖的鱼成为当地人们蛋白质来源的重要部分。
Today it's not so interesting to present a new shape; it's easier to give a new appeal to old shapes with artisanal materials, he says. 如今推出一种新的产品造型已不是那么有趣,以手工材料打造旧的造型更容易吸引人,他说。
This is a company specializing in the production of the professional manufacturers artisanal cloth shoes, manual processing of traditional Chinese cloth shoes. 本公司是一家专业生产手工布鞋的专业厂家,加工中国传统手工布鞋。
At stake, say some, is the survival of the entire Made in Italy concept artisanal firms that are the guarantors, or so many lovers of Italian goods abroad believe of the quality and style that embody the sense of Italian fashion. 有人说,面临危险的是整个意大利制造概念的存在个体企业是意大利时尚感所体现的质量和风格的保证,或者说国外太多意大利商品爱好者这样认为。
Each artisanal producer has a tale to tell, helping to give their particular liquor personality and resonance with customers, and differentiating themselves from the multinationals. 每一个匠师酿酒商都有一段传奇故事,赋予它们的酒以人性,使其与消费者产生共鸣,并让自己有别于跨国公司。
Yellow Valley is unique as we combine natural, artisanal and fair trade in one company and one product. 黄河流域是独一无二的,我们结合自然,手工和公平贸易的一个公司,一个产品。
We are the first company to make Gouda cheeses in an artisanal and natural way. 我们是第一家作出黄波奶酪的手工和自然的方式。
International Committee of Workers 'Cooperative Productive and Artisanal Society 国际工人合作生产业和手工业协会委员会
The artisanal viewpoint dear to Bernard Leach has many followers, but is systematically put to the test, not only by caricatures. 伯纳德-里奇非常看重的手工观,有着很多的追随者,但这是系统中的,顺理成章的,并不奇怪。
Noodle Bar is Beijing's best kept secret for those looking for a traditional, integrity-filled, artisanal, hand-pulled wheat noodle experience, in a contemporary setting. 面吧为那些寻找传统正宗手拉面的食客提供了一个最为隐秘的场所。
An unknown number of people died in clashes with the security forces in2008 when artisanal miners were kicked out of the alluvial diamond fields. 2008年,这些钻石矿的矿业技工被驱逐,他们与安全部队发生了冲突,导致数量不明的人丧生。
For centuries it has been produced in manual and artisanal way. 几个世纪以来,奶酪都是通过手工工艺来制作的。
We can apply the spirit of contemporary design to the spirit of artisanal production in countries that are not producing design. 我们可以将现代设计的精髓应用到那些没有设计的国家中的手工生产中去。
At the same time computer management of artisanal incomparable advantages. 同时计算机具有手工管理所无法比拟的优点。