An autopsy eventually ascribed the baby's death to sudden infant death syndrome. 尸检最终认定孩子死于婴儿猝死综合征。
We do not ascribe a superior wisdom to government or the state. 我们并不认为政府或是国家有超凡的智慧。
He mistakenly ascribes the expression 'survival of the fittest' to Charles Darwin. 他错误地认为“适者生存”是查尔斯·达尔文说的。
But by their nature, these capital flows among nations are hard to ascribe to one country alone. 但就其本质而言,这种国家间的资本流动很难单独归咎于某一个国家。
It is too easy to ascribe project problems to individuals or unique events; my experience has been that most problems are systemic and will repeat until the root causes are dealt with. 我们很容易将项目中的问题归咎于个人或者独特的事件,但是我的经验是绝大多数问题是系统的,它们会一直重复直到根本的原因被解决。
Even if you're not superstitious, it's hard not to ascribe other people's good fortune to luck. 纵然你不迷信,还是很容易把别人的成功归咎于幸运。
I will fetch my knowledge from afar, And I will ascribe righteousness to my Maker. 伯36:3我要将所知道的从远处引来、公义归给造我的主。
But hardly anyone could be found who would deny these partial successes and ascribe them to human self-deception. 但是大概不会有谁能否认这些部分的成功,而把它们归之于人类的自我斯骗。
It is wrong to ascribe all that has happened simply to the war. 把所发生的一切简单地归咎于战争是不对的。
I ascribe his conduct to insanity. 我认为他的行为是颠狂所致。
I would not ascribe vice to him. 我不愿意把罪过归给他。
And it is not a sufficient explanation to ascribe them exclusively to the degrees of knowledge possessed at different times and places, of the laws of nature and the physical arts of life. 把这种差异完全归因于人们在不同时间和地点对自然规律和工艺技术掌握程度上的不同,是不够的。
Bands are often mistaken in the virtues they ascribe to their wives. 丈夫们往往误以为他们的妻子有种种美德。
Do not attribute to conspiracy what you can ascribe to cock-up. 不要把你可以归结为一团糟的东西归因于阴谋。
All depends on what school of dreams you ascribe to. 这取决于你做的是什么类型的梦。
You can't ascribe the same meaning to both words. 不要认为这两个词的意思是相同的。
In his book, Mr Chapelle argues that we cannot ascribe the vogue for bottled water to mere shallowness. 夏佩尔在他的书中主张,我们不能将瓶装水的流行单纯地归咎于肤浅。
If it is steel, we have to ascribe it to other commodity codes. 如果是钢铁的,我们要归在其他的商品编码里。
When studying macbeth, people usually ascribe to the external environment, human factors even uncontrollable destiny. 人们在研究《麦克白》时,一般将麦克白悲剧归结于外在环境、人为因素甚或不可驾驭的命运。
People like to ascribe human feelings to animals. 人们喜欢把人类的情感转赋予动物。
I ascribe most of the problem to early adoption and inappropriate use. 有的人可能只在药店里买了几剂药。我认为,主要问题是用药较早和用药不当。
It is hard to ascribe deeper systemic governance problems when the board and the CEO are new. 如果董事会和首席执行官都是新任的,那就很难把深层的系统性治理问题归咎于他们。
As Buck thought about it some more, he could only ascribe his involvement to his articulate brother. 经过再三考虑,巴克只能把这一次的卷入归因他那能言善辩的哥哥。
We are told that they ascribe the same property only if they are not only true of the same things but also are alike in meaning. 我们被告知说,只有当它们不仅适用于同样的事物,而且在意义上也是相同的,它们才指同样的属性。
Does the bible in the least ascribe the origin of evil to god? 圣经把罪恶的根源多少也归咎于上帝吗?
What pretensions have we, upon your suppositions, to ascribe that attribute to the divine Being? 那么,根据你的假设,我们有什么理由将那一属性归因于神灵呢?
Ascribe a quality to or give a name that reflects a quality. 把品质归于或给出一个名字来反映品质。
And that which you ascribe to me is mired in your controversies. 你将我所归属的种姓使你陷入争论之中。
It's wrong to ascribe all that have happen simply to the war. 把发生的一切归咎于战争是错误的。
To what do you ascribe the phenomenal success of your new album, lloyd? 劳埃德,你把你新的歌曲集的巨大成功归因于什么?
认为…是(某人)所写 to consider or state that a book, etc. was written by a particular person
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