First of all, he aske me about my academic performance and the score of IELTS. 首先他问我的学业成绩,以及雅思等关于学习的情况。
Once there, Aske and many of his conspirators were arrested, tried for treason and put to death as a warning to others. 一到那里,阿斯克和他的许多同谋立即被逮捕,并以叛国罪审判处死用来以儆效尤。
We should aske whether there is history of syphilis, mumps, or other serious infections in the past, inflammations of the eye, an autoimmune disorder or allergy, or ear surgery in the past. 病史中注意有无梅毒,腮腺炎以及严重感染病史、眼睛的感染史、自身免疫性疾病、过敏史及耳科手术史。