ADJ-GRADED 有志向的;有抱负的;一心想出人头地的 If you describe someone as aspirational, you mean that they have strong hopes of moving to a higher social status.
...the typical tensions of an aspirational household. 在一心想要飞黄腾达的家庭中典型的紧张关系
ADJ-GRADED (产品)励志的,激励人心的,受到志向远大者欣赏的 If you describe a product as aspirational, you mean that it is bought or enjoyed by people who have strong hopes of moving to a higher social class.
Fine music, particularly opera, has become aspirational, like fine wine or foreign travel. 高雅音乐,特别是歌剧,就像佳酿或出境游一样受到志存高远者的青睐。
Fine music, particularly opera, has become aspirational, like fine wine or foreign travel. 高雅音乐,特别是歌剧,就像佳酿或出境游一样受到志存高远者的青睐。
You have to set an aspirational path and be "impatient to achieve it," Burns said. 必须确立一个远大的目标,“迫不及待地去实现它,”伯恩斯说。
The MBA was a formative experience as we needed to build the right team and it allowed us to tap into like-minded, aspirational people who were willing to volunteer their ideas, support and resources to make Zeek a success. MBA是一段确立基本观念的重要经历,因为我们需要建立合适的团队,它让我们找到志趣相投、有抱负的人们,大家愿意贡献自己的想法、支持和资源,集思广益,让Zeek获得成功。
The prevalence of English movies in regions where there is not much technology other than cell phones and DVDs makes English an aspirational language. 在一些除了手机和DVD外没有其他什么高科技产品的地区,英语电影的流行让英语成为一种时尚。
He remembers the taste of chocolate and coffee as aspirational. 他还清楚记得当时巧克力与咖啡的味道让他魂牵梦萦。
By contrast, in the good times, companies all wanted their products to be aspirational. 相反,在经济繁荣时期,所有公司都希望自己的产品受人追捧。
We've created an aspirational compact car that people will pay a premium for. 我们制造了一款人们梦寐以求、愿意为此支付高价的紧凑型轿车。
As these emerging economies come to dominate the global economy they will need new products and services, appropriate for aspirational citizens with just one foot on the development ladder. 随着这些新兴经济体开始主宰全球经济,它们将需要新的商品和服务以满足刚刚踏上发展阶梯、踌躇满志的国民的需要。
When you create your own list of values, make sure that most of them are not aspirational. 当你制作自己的价值观清单的时候,确保多数的不是渴求的价值观。
Traditionally, our leaders and, by association, their spouses, were supposed to be aspirational figures. 传统上讲,我们的领导人(进而联想到他们的配偶)会被想象成有抱负的人物。
The first three categories contain guaranteed payments against future events; the fourth is merely aspirational. 前三种方式含有防范未来事件的、有担保的款项;第四种方式则仅是一种成功欲。
In this round table paper, we suggest goals for data sharing and a work plan for reaching them, and challenge respondents to move beyond well intentioned but largely aspirational data sharing plans. 在这份协商性质的论文中,我们提出了数据共享目标以及达成这些目标的工作计划建议,激励受调查者行动起来,不要停留在立意好但很大程度上只有雄心的数据共享计划上。
The company realises that to compete with big international groups and charge the prices they do it must develop a coherent brand that appeals to aspirational young Chinese. 李宁公司意识到,要想与大型国际集团竞争,并卖出和它们同样的价格,就必须开发一个对中国年轻体育迷有吸引力的连贯品牌。
Given the subsequent slowdown, the government's revenue aims seem aspirational rather than feasible. 考虑到接下来的经济减速,巴政府的收入目标似乎是可望而不可及的。
Light has a vast range of positive and aspirational associations: civilisation, truth, health, intelligence, safety, hope, life and salvation. “光”和很多正面的、令人欣喜的意象紧密相连:例如文明、真相、健康、智慧、安全、希望、生命和拯救。
Mr Walker shifts between this aspirational narrative and the one that tugs him back. 书中,沃克先生在两种场景里切换着:有抱负的叙述和过往生活的回忆。
"Barbie may be the most popular girl in the world, and has always been a wonderfully aspirational figure, so we must do her proud," Mark said. “芭比娃娃可能是世界上最流行的女孩,一直是奇妙期望的数字,所以我们必须做她的骄傲,”马克说。
Fast growth since then has made many Indians more aspirational. 从那以来的快速经济增长让许多印度人建立了更远大的志向。
The stimulus plan is "an aspirational target" rather than a detailed blueprint, says Stephen Green, economist at Standard Chartered in Shanghai. 渣打银行(standardchartered)经济学家王志浩(stephengreen)在上海表示,刺激方案是“一种抒发抱负的目标”,而非一张详尽的蓝图。
His aspirational rhetoric no doubt worsened the disappointment. 毫无疑问,他那些鼓舞人心的言辞加深了人们的失望情绪。
Yet in terms of aspirational appeal, it is still running well behind industry giants Nike and Adidas, which will have all their big names in Beijing this summer. 但在激情吸引力方面,它还是远远落后于行业巨擘耐克(nike)和阿迪达斯(adidas)今年夏季,这两家公司的所有知名人物都会来到北京。
The goals of near-zero deaths and eventual eradication are idealistic and aspirational, but not foolhardy as some critics suggested in2007. 将死亡数几乎降至零以及最终将其消灭,这是梦寐以求的理想目标,而并非如某些批评家在2007年所指的莽撞行为。
But al-Maliki and President Bush last week agreed to a "general time horizon for meeting aspirational goals" on troop cuts. 但在上周,马利基政府和布什都表示“一个总的撤军时间表表达了大家渴望的目标”。
The booming economy and a massive urbanisation programme has created a housing shortage and driven up prices beyond the reach of many aspirational young Chinese. 经济的蓬勃发展和大规模的城市化项目创造了住房的短缺,抬高价格,难以实现中国青年人的买房梦。
As the middle classes in emerging markets grow, the argument goes, they want to buy international brands that they see as aspirational. 这种想法认为,随着新兴市场中产阶级的增长,他们想要购买梦寐以求的国际品牌。
The aim is to create a brand that is at once universal and aspirational. 意在创建一个世界级的、有前景的品牌。
As the income gap with developed world peers narrows and aspirational consumer values converge, the emerging market middle class will be able and willing to pay for better education, health, housing, and infrastructure. 随着与发达国家收入差距缩小,随着志向远大的消费者价值观趋同,新兴市场的中产阶层将有能力、也愿意为更好的教育、医疗保健、住房和基础设施付费。
Just as deep ideas about individual freedom have led to the bracingly driven aspirational cinema of Hollywood, so Buddhism and Taoism explain the distinctiveness of Asian cinema at its best. 就像个人自由的理念引导好莱坞创造出富有灵感的电影一样,佛学和道家思想很好的揭示了亚洲电影的独特性。