n. (法庭或官方团体的)顾问,襄审员; (财产、费用等的)估价员; (考试、比赛等的)考核人,评判员 assessor的复数
估价员;(资产)评估师;估税员 An assessor is a person who is employed to calculate the value of something, or the amount of money that should be paid, for example in tax.
N-COUNT 专家;(尤指法庭的)陪审推事,顾问 An assessor is a person who is an expert in a subject, especially someone asked to advise a court of law on that subject.
Two judges and six lay assessors sentenced White to life in prison. 两名法官和六名大众陪审推事判决怀特终身监禁。
N-COUNT (考试、面试、体育赛事等的)评分者,评委 An assessor is a person who judges the performance of someone else, for example in an exam, at an interview or at a sporting event.
...external assessors of GCSE exam results. 普通中等教育证书考试结果的外请评分者
Two judges and six lay assessors sentenced White to life in prison. 两名法官和六名大众陪审推事判决怀特终身监禁。
Article 40 The people's court of first instance shall try civil cases by a collegial panel composed of both judges and judicial assessors or of judges alone. 第四十条人民法院审理第一审民事案件,由审判员、陪审员共同组成合议庭或者由审判员组成合议庭。
Assessments of this wide scope tend to require a significant commitment by the organization as well as the assessors. 这种范围的评估需要一个组织和评估员的有意义的委托。
The assessors, who verify compliance with internal or external standards and/ or legal regulations 评审员,证实内部性或者外部性标准和/或合法性规则
Coloration enables faster retrieval of critical project data for my team members, management, external auditors and assessors, and, most importantly, the customer. 着色可以为我的团队成员、管理层、外部的审计员和评估者,及最重要的客户更快速地检索关键的项目数据。
With this knowledge you can impress the assessors and give the right answers and, more importantly, ask the right questions. 有了一定了解后,你才能打动考官们,给出正确答案,更重要的是,提出正确的问题。
This system consists of jury system in common law system and trial system of people's assessors in continental law system. 陪审制具体又可分为英美法系的陪审团制度和大陆法系的参审制。
The IECQ has two training programmes for assessors from Supervising Inspectorates, and manufacturers are encouraged to attend. IECQ为来自认证机构的审核员提供两个培训项目,并鼓励制造商也参加。
Special Rapporteur on the independence and impartiality of the judiciary, jurors and assessors and the independence of lawyers; 关于审判员、陪审员和助审员的独立公正以及律师的独立问题特别报告员;
Assessors during the exercise of their functions have equal rights and obligations with the judges. 陪审员在执行陪审职务时,与审判员有同等的权利义务。
The more I think of the problems of our lives, the more I am persuaded that we ought to choose Irony and pity for our assessors and judges as the ancient Egyptians called upon the goddess Isis and the Goddess Nephthys on behalf of their dead. 我越思考人生的问题,就越觉得我们应该选择<讽刺>和<怜悯>作为我们的裁判者,正如古埃及人要求艾西斯女神和奈夫蒂斯女神对他们的死者所做的一样。
The term "traffic subsidies" refers to the subsidies for public transportation expenses as incurred from the participation of the people's assessors in a trial and training. 交通补助费是指人民法院对人民陪审员因参加审判活动、培训活动而支出的公共交通费用的补助。
Assessors to listen to the overall implementation of the scheme design report, conducted a question discussion, unanimously agreed to review. 评审专家听取了总体实施方案设计报告,进行了质询讨论,一致同意通过评审。
Administrative cases in the people's courts shall be tried by a collegial panel of judges or of judges and assessors. 人民法院审理行政案件,由审判员组成合议庭,或者由审判员、陪审员组成合议庭。
The administrative department shall establish a non-permanent department or designate a full-time staff member to be responsible for the personnel management of people's assessors. 政工部门应设立非常设机构或指定专人负责人民陪审员的人事管理工作。
The management of people's assessors includes the personnel management of people's assessors and the routine management of their participation in the trial activities. 人民陪审员管理工作包括人民陪审员人事管理工作和人民陪审员参加审判活动的日常管理工作。
There's an intense argument about the reform or the abolishment of the People's Assessors System. 法学界也针对陪审制度的存废问题产生了激烈的争论。
The entities or grassroots organizations at the location of the permanent residence of the people's assessors shall ensure that they can take part in trial activities in accordance with law. 人民陪审员所在单位或者户籍所在地的基层组织应当保障人民陪审员依法参加审判活动。
During your meeting with your boss two assessors will also be present. 在你跟你的上司的会议中,两名评委也会在场。
The training programme for assessors comprises a series of lectures followed by an exam. 对审核员的培训项目包括一系列课程及随后的考试。
During the period of the exercise of their functions in the people's courts, the people's assessors are members of the divisions of the courts in which they participate, and enjoy equal rights with the judges. 人民陪审员在人民法院执行职务期间,是他所参加的审判庭的组成人员,同审判员有同等权利。
Others were so full of objects and so adorned with decorations that our assessors had to be careful not to crush the evidence they were there to examine. 有的房间充满了日常物品和装饰品,我们的观察员在检查时必须小心翼翼以免压坏了证据。
Other objections are also generally settled by agreement between the taxpayers and assessors concerned. 至于其他反对个案,亦多数由纳税人与评税主任达成协议而了结。
The term "reference material expenses" refers to the expenses for the relevant newspapers and bulletins as provided by the people's court to the people's assessors. 资料费是指人民法院为人民陪审员提供有关报刊、简报等开支的费用。
When performing their functions in the people's courts, the people's assessors shall enjoy equal rights with the judges. 人民陪审员在人民法院执行职务,同审判员有同等的权利。
The assessors will not take part in the meeting or answer and questions, so please do not speak to them during the exercise. 评委不会参与到会议当中,也不会回答任何问题,所以在测试中请不要跟他们交谈。
A team of assessors evaluates all the data presented. 评估小组对提出的所有数据做出评价。
As a main part of the insurance market, insurance assessors play an important role in the development of insurance industry. 保险公估人作为保险市场的重要组成部分,在保险业中发挥着重要作用。